why in a way did it bother me that i didn't go and no one cares
Did You Go To The Memorial?
by minimus 77 Replies latest jw friends
Just got home from it. Upon first driving up at the Kingdom Hall, I was extremely irritated at seeing the nutters in the parking lot. Then the opening song (one of the few slow, pretty ones) almost made me cry because I so wish it were all true; I miss the times when I really believed it and had a hope. But as soon as that opening song was over, it was like being splashed in the face with cold water as I heard the voice of the chairman - a clueless dimwit who sounds like an old-time Baptist preacher.
I like JWs better when I'm not around them. Meetings do not encourage me or make me feel spiritual at all. I told my wife on the way home that I don't see why any visitor with a stable life and any education and common sense would want to go back after being at that meeting. Just the overall look and feel and presentation would lead him to have no desire to go back.
Magnum, I hear ya.
dazed but not confused
Nope. I was invited but I declined. Instead I think I will see if I can watch the lunar eclipse.
Husband actually went to the emmorial, In a super causal shirt and shorts. ;) he is driving 30m minutes to get to the KH that he has never been to ( we are on the alabama coast for part of spring break) I send along in a text bible versers for him to read, asked him to look them up. Propably out of line but I am so over walking oon eggshells.
I wonder if he will beooked at sideways by the coongregation, getting a type of cold shoulder? I can ONLY hope.
We are experiencing a big thunderstorm and waiting on a repair person for the washer and dryer, and I let him know how uncomfortable with him leaving with both the severe weather and the unknown guy coming in to fix the stuff. ( We are in bad need ofusing that W/D).
I will not do my usual understanding by letting him sleep until noon tomorrow like I did today. I will make sure we wake him up early enough to enjoy the morning on the beach tomorrow. Last night he met my concerns of Saturdays's comment to " quit bitching at him" about work related stuff I tried my best to get to, that HAD tobe done I asked hjm to please just get the last bit before we go because it was super important. he declared NO he was too tired, period. I kept on explaining the situation reminding himit can NOT wait. he then continued throug the evening first apoligizing but with the " ok just forget about it" attitude. When ballsa are dropping lefta nd tright in the business aspect I have recently stopped letting him dropthe balls without more continual reminders. ( our income can NOT handle his irresponsibilty to keep track) So last night, I am still upset at his actions and like that same night I asked him to tell me just how I have been doing that? He of course has NO ANSWERS. It is all his emotional reaction of being reminded PERIOD. I stopped letting these things go.
Last night I told him his actions reminded me of his horrrible actions in 2011-2013 ( when he was actively studying to be baptised). I asked him again to express to me what it is that I am bitching about. It's all " It feels like you are." No real answers. I told him I have a feeling what caused Saturdays reaction. I didn't say it but I feel it is The memorial coming up, recent contact with his study partner, and desire to get back at those studies for some mind washed reason. Guilt within himself. Thinking he has betrayed the big J after reading the publications more recently. I am doubting he has the effort to use a critical mind to see throug the crap. When it comes to the JW he has an incredibally lazy mind.
So my daughter and I sit through a severe thunderstorm in a condo hoping the lights stay on. No car to go anywhere....... I hope the storm and severe winds and thunder, and tornado watches, scares the crap out of him when he is drving. Maybe the KH will lose power ;) I'm so bad.
Actually I really hope something inside him gets uncomfortable while there. I hope a little conflict arises in what the Bible says and what the KH preaches.
I can never again sit through that awful Jesus rejecting, self pompoius service ever again.
just Ron
Their was a memorial for who?
Yes I did. Family reasons.
There was a memorial for Jesus tonight.
just Ron
Can I drink wine and eat crakers at home and live or am I going to die?
U will die