Did You Go To The Memorial?

by minimus 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • Laika

    The worst part was the invitation to study at the end. The speaker says that if we want to benefit from the ransom we have to find out God's rules, and we can do that by studying the bible with a JW, but he then said 'Jehovah doesn't ask for very much, there's a scripture that says' what does Jehovah ask back from you except that' and then there's a very small list, it's really not asking much'

    So I found that scripture:

    “Now, O Israel, what is Jehovah your God asking of you?+ Only this: to fear Jehovah your God,+ to walk in all his ways,+ to love him, to serve Jehovah your God with all your heart and all your soul,*+ 13 and to keep the commandments and statutes of Jehovah that I am commanding you today for your own good."

    Really!? That's not a lot to ask! I can't do all that, surely that's the point of Jesus!?

  • MissFit

    Skipped it. Took my son to dinner instead. I kept expecting to be struck by lightning. Good thing I already knew about the blood moon or I might have gotten really worried.

    So far,so good......

  • Da.Furious

    I went to the memorial - or as it was referred to celebration of Christ’s death!

    It was OK, until the speaker started messing up the talk and no one passed wine or bread to him. Also the sound brothers put the wrong song for the final one.

    Besides that, nice pictures with friends and family beside the flowers.

  • TheOldHippie

    No tiger petting, but in essence yes - since much emphasis was put on reading from various chapters of Isaiah, prophecies about life in the new order. It was somewhat similar to last year's talk, but simpler and directed towards the invited ones and the young ones, and not much on the covenants etc. One of the best talk outlines I have heard. Almost three times the number of publishers attended, and three partook of the emblems.

  • 88JM

    Poztate - I think this is still the outline:


    I did see a scanned copy floating around somewhere on here, but the link above does have the correct text.

  • Pistoff


    No, speaker at the local hall also asked about what pet.

    Other things stood out:

    1. An intro from the gospels, other than that, no other scripture read from the gospel. The ritual was again taken from 1 Cor, rather than any of the (disparate) gospel accounts.

    (Why? As has been noted, it may be because reading and comparing them, a witness will realize they are slightly different, and that Judas WAS there, according to Matthew, Mark and Luke; and that John has no ritual at all.)

    2. LONG, oh my god, it was an hour long, used to be 45 minutes.

    3. Emphasis on how FEW the 'anointed' are in comparison to the world's population. Part of the WT's tap dance around the ever increasing number of partakers, an uncomfortable and unexpected turn of events for them. Look for that number to drop, even if it isn't really dropping.

    4. SO MUCH emphasis on the earthly paradise. I forgot what I was there for! Is this about Jesus or not? I always forget that this is never about what Jesus meant to his followers, or to me, or to anyone actually present for the 'celebration' er, observance of the Lord's Evening Meal (how's that for a super bland euphemism for the last supper?)

    It's all about the legality of Jesus' life in exchange for Adam's, and that WE don't decide where we serve Jehovah.

    It is just like witness weddings and funerals; seeing people you haven't seen for a while is great, there is a buzz in the air, but soon all the air goes out of the room when the speaker starts in with the uninspired and off target message.

    Funeral talk? Witness for the WT

    Wedding talk? Witness for the WT

    Memorial? Jesus died, don't drink the wine or eat the bread, witness for the WT.

    If you want to really get how hollow it is, do the phone hookup.

  • Heaven

    I did not go to the Memorial Reject Jesus Party. It makes react like this:

    Blech Calvin

  • Crazyguy

    It was like the serpent in the garden selling his idea to eve,:which animal would you like to pet?" "You will live forever on earth I promise". My speaker was a gloating about how we are the only ones celebrating and then it turned in to a comercial for the JW's with its website and all. A friend was sitting next to me when I ate the bread and had the wine he was shocked, it was kinda funny. My kids didnt say or ask me a thing about it, guess my wife continues to prepare them for my actions.


    I went!! After all, it's probably the last one!!

    What really struck me as pathetic, was the JW justification of ONLY some Christians partaking. The speaker said, " Jesus said to keep doing this until he comes, so it won't be done forever." Then he said something like, " We won't partake then, so we don't know...and that makes sense.." WTH??? Watchtards... It was also sad that the only "proof" they can offer of "paradise Earth", is a poetic scripture about kids and snake holes. They didn't bring this up, but I noticed something else. In the back of the RNWT under "paradise" the WTBTS asserts that Jesus was teaching the evil-doer next to him about an "Earthly Paradise.."

    They also assert that living forever on Earth was God's original purpose for Adam. Again, that is an assumption. There is no indication that Adam was to live indefinitely. The bible doesn't say that. All it says is that Adam was to be a caretaker. Who is to say that Adam was not going to be raptured away 10,000 years later? Or a billion years later?? It's all speculation.

    I made the point of bringing up the blood-moon whenever I could. When the dubs said "What's the big deal about that?", I said, " Well it's 2014 and we are having all these blood-moons! This could be the last memorial ever!" Oh, they loved that!! They said, "Oh, that would be exciting!!" I should have said, " YES!! Just think about billions of people dying soon!!"


  • BU2B

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