Why are JWs so afraid of apostates?

by Magnum 112 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • emeth

    @Magnum at least that handful of higher up org JW's know how to build an audience....

    something the worlds 'largest anti jw community' seems unable to do... they just keep talking to eachother ,.. parroting the same shit over and over again to a handful of other parrots.

  • Phizzy

    Thing is e-meth, we here do not need to build an audience, we have no need for followers to donate $$$, and no need for an organisation either.

    We may not reach a large audience with our posts, we may quite often be "preaching to the converted", but just once in a while, a JW with two or more sparking brain cells stumbles upon this place and finds a New World.

    This New World of JWN is a free one, it costs nothing, and you are free to ask what you like, and to express what you like, and to be your real self.

    I am sure those very few who find such freedom, and they are few compared to the millions entrapped in the WT/JW mental prison, those few appreciate the "speakers" on here far more than they ever did the most elevated of the JW's.


    @Magnum at least that handfull of higher up org JW's know how to build an audience.....emeth

    ............................................................................................................................Would You Like To Hear My Chicken Story?..

    ..............................................................................................................................How About Veitnam?..I Was In Veitnam!..

    .....................................................................................................................................Sh*t!!..They All Fell Asleep Again..


    ................................................................................................................................................................ photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • emeth

    @phizzy so thats my point. This forum is useless its only here to give a handful of people a hobby. Its a place where they can vent their frustrations and anger but it leads to nowhere. If you all are waiting on that 'once in a while JW' that maybe wakes up and digest your ideas then you are not doing more than a tiny drop would do in a 55 gallon oil drum.

    At least every 120 seconds a baptized JW is added to the ranks,.. 24 hrs a day... 7 days a week 365 days a year

  • Finkelstein

    Magnum at least that handful of higher up org JW's know how to build an audience .....emeth

    Thats the core of the problem right there, the WTS Publishing House has been lying and deceiving

    the public with bullshit to commercialize and attract attention to its own published goods.


    Intensionally building an audience upon that premise is dishonest and lacks moral integrity.

  • cantleave

    One soul destroyed every 120 seconds by an evil cult followed by deluded fools like yourself emeth.


    At least every 120 seconds a baptized JW is added to the ranks,.. 24 hrs a day... 7 days a week 365 days a year.....emeth



    ......................................................................................................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • Finkelstein

    At least every 120 seconds a baptized JW is added to the ranks,.. 24 hrs a day... 7 days a week 365 days a year. ....emeth

    One of the other bigger problems is that JWS are willing lie about the organization they supposedly belong to.

    Lying is deemed as an act of spiritual warfare and encouraged by the WTS. leaders themselves ........... isn't that nice.


    Takes one to know one I guess !

  • stuckinarut2

    Just because so many are baptised doenst make it the truth!

    If you apply that rule, then the catholics and muslims must have the truth, as they have billions of baptised followers!

    Figures provided by the society about growth have to be looked at in context of the general population, then the insignificance of the numbers is apparant!

  • emeth

    @finkelstein its a fact. but you dont have to believe me i dont care. Point was this forum is doing nothing besides keeping obsessive apostates talking with eachother (some of you left the JW several decades ago but still are busy with your former religion every day... i call that insane) and occupy your minds with something they want nothing to do with

    sounds not healthy to me... i would say let it go

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