An important difference between atheists and true believers

by Hortensia 219 Replies latest social current

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run


    I am a believer with no desire to convert you. The people I attend church with have no desire to convert you. You are discussing a fragment of one religion. Jews have no desire to convert you. Broad statements need proof. People here think the only believers are evangelical fundamentalists. It is not true. All it is is a stereotype.

    Atheists on this forum are relentless in their bid to shame believers and win converts.

  • snare&racket

    Band....that was almost comical

    "You are discussing a fragment....Broad statements need is a stereotype."

    and then lol....

    "Atheists on this forum are relentless in their bid to shame believers and win converts."

    Ignoring your description of a moral high ground then ironically jumping right off it, what exactly are atheists converting people to? I agree they when first become atheists often want to tell everyone the proof they have seen, but convert? To non belief? It doesn't make sense.

    Seth Andrews an evangelical minister and radio host for a christian radio show, became an atheist alone in his family and surroundings and called it a de-conversion. I would agree that atheists have a motive to deconvert......but not to convert ! They DON'T have beliefs in any movement, god, religion..... unless you want to make broad statments and stereotype....based on an ignorant external view.

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    Rather ironic that atheists in general don't proselytize, but get more converts lately than religious people do. If I am not mistaken the Pew research shows that the biggest growth is in people who don't want to be associated with organized religion (I am sure plenty of atheists in this group)

  • Hortensia

    Laika --

    I guess I'm just stirring the pot -- I spent the day surrounded by people who believe that there is a city inside Mt. Shasta, that we all have spirit guides, that whatever god there is in their belief seems especially fond of protecting old white people from harm, that crystals can cure anything and so on and that starving children the world over are paying for their sins in previous lifetimes. I come away from that kind of thing kind of cranky and wanting to poke sticks into things.

    One of my neighbors at the dinner table told me of some miracle herb that "cures everything. Destroys every bad thing in your body." I try not to be controversial at what is meant to be a pleasant occasion, but I wanted to say things like, "then why are you still sick?" "Hmmm, why haven't the pharmacies gotten hold of that one?"

    When I talk to individuals I do bring up these questions, but they have such bullet-proof circular reasoning they just ignore the questions and go on spouting their jargon. The attitude the folks around here have taken is, "isn't she cute? She's an atheist, our token atheist." They almost pat me on the head.

  • prologos

    Snare&racket please elaborate on why there would be

    no comfortable Atheists or

    no evidence - loving Deists, believers?

  • trillaz

    What conclusion does the OP want those who enter this thread to leave with?

    If it's something like "Athiests (In my own myopic viewpoint) are better than True Believers", then the irony is weighty.

  • LisaRose

    Good to see you posting Hortencia, the board has been a bit bland of late.

    I don't think most Athiest want to convert others, they just have no tolerance for religious dogma.

  • LisaRose

    Good to see you posting Hortencia, the board has been a bit bland of late.

    I don't think most Athiest want to convert others, they just have no tolerance for religious dogma.

  • snare&racket


    Beleivers sacrifice the desire for evidence for the desire for comfort.

    Atheists sacrifice the desire for comfort for the desire for evidence.

    So believers believe they have a moral monopoly, the holy texts tell them so, that must be and I remember myself was comforting. They also believe they have a purpose, they believe they will live on after they die. They believe they will see dead loved ones again. Many believe they will be young and healthy again. For all these things there is no evidence. They choose comfort over evidence. There is no right or wrong here, I am just replying to the opening post. Likewise, going on, with the atheists, they chase evidence and sacrifice any idea of after life, ressurections, returning to youth or cures. They make their own purpose in life. It is a heavy loss when leaving religion, alkin to being told all your youth that when you turn 45 you will inherit several million, only to find out that this promise was a lie. The money was never there, it was never true, but still you feel a loss.

    I wouldn't believe any atheist who said said they did not sacrifice some comfort in becoming an atheist & due to the restrictions of observing and testing the supernatural, every believer has had to sacrifice a need for evidence, hence they have faith.

  • prologos

    S&R your points very well explained, it is the 'desire' mindset. so:

    where do we DEists fit in?,

    finding no comfort from the belief that there IS a creator, given the tooth&claw reality, but

    desperately desiring more and more evidence of HOW* the eluse master-worker did it?

    *bsw, ignoring my doctor's orders* I will explain my BELIEF:--[ that it was done with Acoustics, that left it's 'TRACES'], -before a panel of experts this coming week,

    I will be very carefully hiding any 'belief' references.

    *"--DONT do it!!!"

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