An important difference between atheists and true believers

by Hortensia 219 Replies latest social current

  • Laika

    Viviane, why so dismissive? apognophos, frazzled, xanthippe, talesin and sammie were all non-theists who criticised the tone of some atheists on this thread.

  • cofty

    You're assuming apognophos, frazzled, xanthippe, talesin and sammie have a valid complaint.

    So far no actual examples have been offered.

    ETA - Apart from Apog who offered the example of an occasion when a raving fundie threatened us with eternal fire and I replied that that sort of god is a moral monster. Apparently that wasn't nice.

  • Laika

    Cofty, I think you misunderstood me. All I did was point out that non theists were doing most (not all) of the complaining about tone on this thread in response to the complaints about whiny theists. I never said I agreed with their comments, I actually defended the board's atheists in my post 961 on this thread.

  • bohm


    I had parents.

    Good on you!

    Cofty is not some benign father figure.

    Point taken, though I have mostly thought of Cofty as my cool and hot mom.

    Furthermore, my critical thinking skills are certified by the state of New York.

    This is a bit like ensuring people you have a great sense of humor. The moment you feel the need to point it out other people tend to suspect it is bollocks. And you point it out in what appears like

    I can't read these threads. I skim.

    I suspect you also didnt quite read which of your cognetive abilities the state of new york certified.

    My eyes pick up many insults.

    I can't reply to all posts. I dont care. I use third person. My hands respond. In short paragraphs. Some people are dumb. It is weird. I dont care. I have a diploma.

    A neutral person would not be so impressed.


    Today I've read that I am irrational.

    ...totally out of the blue I am sure...

    Oh, excuse me call a feminist who helped prepare legal briefs for NOW "Hysterical."

    The new york might have certified your critical thinking but the above quote is an error of logic piled on top of an error of reading comprehension.

    What a classic. It is so bad it is almost funny.


    He has no legitimacy to make judgments about what anyone can believe.

    if you tried not to skim you might notice there is a large difference between what you think people write and what they do write.

  • cofty

    I have mostly thought of Cofty as my cool and hot mom

    I'm flattered - my wife is amused.

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    Wow - I go away for a weekend and come back and see the fun and games that have been happening in my absence. Insult and counter-insult - what fun - all because I had the temerity to suggest that the OP was ironic and a tad hypocritical.

    Anyway, to clarify my position I am an atheist for whom belief in god doesn't make sense and seems to be borne out of human need. But how can I really be absolutely certain I am correct and as it satisfies a human need, if it is harmless, why should I bemoan others their beliefs? I am sceptical of anyone who semes to profess absolute certainty in the correctness or superiority of their thinking.

  • talesin

    So far no actual examples have been offered.

    That's a lie. or you have memory loss.

    Weill, Simon has spoken. I will say no more. Believers deserve to be objects of scorn and ridicule. *shrug*

    Carry on, Elder Cofty.


  • kassad84

    look at it this way. Jesus taught to turn the other cheek. this is a perfect way to test the seriousness of our obedience.

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    tal - just because Simon is the administrator (or whatever he is) of the board doesn't make him an Oracle (or the GB), he is just another contributor with an opinion, albeit one with the power to exclude people for breach of the rules, which he exercises objectively (I trust). Cheers Fraz

  • Viviane

    That's a lie. or you have memory loss.

    Or it's true. I notice you also didn't give an example.

    Viviane, why so dismissive? apognophos, frazzled, xanthippe, talesin and sammie were all non-theists who criticised the tone of some atheists on this thread.

    The first, second, third, fourth and fifth complaints on this thread were by BoTR, Apog and FHN. I have no idea what Apog believes, nor talesin.

    I will admit, I haven't done an actual count of people complaining. We can just call it even.

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