That thing never answers prayers today. Instead, you are referenced to some account in the LIE-ble, usually totally fictitious, and that is your answer. You are to act as if you were receiving that answer, and you are to assume you will receive the same thing. It never works. "Lack of faith" is the usual lame excuse, giving joke-hova the excuse to refuse to answer and preventing others from realizing that joke-hova never gives you anything of value.
Instead, that thing takes. Seems there is a poverty working going on against the flock, meaning they are going to become needier than before. Throw away all your wealth and cut way back on income for the communist kingdom (studied last October 5). The congregation owns nothing, therefore you need to keep donating (the new donation arrangement). Be content with just food (needs not taste good or be nourishing) and clothing (needs not be stylish, comfortable, or durable) (this big boasting session). Sacrifice wealth (and health, which is hit worse this year) for the communist government (this coming Grand Boasting Session). People are going to be needing--and the slightest crisis will make it worse. If you get a blackout, for instance, do you need joke-hova's communist kingdom then, or would you rather have a reliable lantern and a good supply of batteries? If we get hyperinflation, would you rather have the extra time in field circus, or a few dozen ounces of silver and a decent barter skill?
And, just try asking that beady-eyed monster for anything when you need something. You will simply get no answer other than "You need to do even more for me!" from that thing. You go out in field circus with a flu, and try asking that thing for health so you can stay out longer. No, instead you stay out with your flu and suffer more. About the only things that thing answers are for its name to be sanctified at the expense of the people, its communist kingdom to come so we can be enslaved, and for its selfish wlll (your enslavement) to come.