OK..Seriously..Has GOD ever answered your prayers????

by DATA-DOG 127 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Heartofaboy

    You are very special in god's eyes James.


    Londo, I understand. I have experienced some things as well. I won't go into detail either.

    It's all good because either 1) A higher power exists. or 2) I somehow MADE things happen. I was VERY specific about certain things and they happened. If there is no GOD, then I seem to be capable of doing things on my own. Call it a miracle, call it a subconscious thing, call it "Oprah's secret.", who cares?? I got results and I felt at peace, without WT guilt.


  • James Brown
    James Brown

    You are very special in god's eyes James

    I don't know about that either.

    It's just the way I have come to be wired and it works for me.

    I battle every day whether there is a God or no God.

    I fall into terrible incapacatating depressions about it, But when I think there is a God and

    pray and go about my business, I have the strength to get things done.

    But I will say if it al ends today, looking back, I have been blessed.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    I agree with you datta dog.

    I have spent a life time reading books about how to make things happen.

    If there is no God, I had a lot of training on how to make things happen, but many of the books I read

    suggested including God in the process of bringing about my desires.

  • Heartofaboy

    Sorry to hear about your depression James.

  • Jeffro


    I told her she needed a Christian to pray for her.
    “Do you know a Christian?" She asked.

    Why would she bother asking that? Who other than a self-professed Christian would tell some old lady she 'needs a Christian to pray for her'?!

    I paused for a moment, thinking, his faith was just as weak as my own. Finally I blurted out, “I'm a Christian, I will pray for you.” She was happy with that. So as she sat there I placed my hand on her head a began to pray....when all of a sudden, I started speaking with bold authority in the power of the Spirit...and she lost consciousness.
    I sat there waiting for her to wake up. When she finally did she was calm and collected. She walked over to me and took my hands and said...”These hands...you could make money...."

    So... what you're saying is... an old agitated lady fainted, and she was calm after she regained concsciousness. Calm is pretty much the default just after regaining consciousness. What would you expect?!

    That's possibly the least convincing example of 'answered prayer' I've ever heard.

  • alwaysthinking

    Hi Entertainment123, dont feel frustrated. It is good that you voice your true believes, I think many people just feel so disappointed and angry by whats happening around them in the world now, and point their fingers at you, thats alright. I also think that if God is indeed impartial then maybe he wont help this person and ignore the other one, actually I dont know the answer myself.

  • baldeagle

    The Searchersaid: Why should God favour wonderful little me over them? I cringe when I hear a fellow Witness attribute the acquisition of a house or job (or even 100 chickens!) to our Creator answering their prayer! It portrays God not only as partial, but also evil, because he didn't answer the prayers of those in the tsunami, the twin towers, or every other major disaster or man-made atrocity! Just be thankful for what you have, and bear in mind and heart those poor souls who don't!

    I was always privately annoyed at JW’s that prayed for a sign, direction or some visible evidence as to what decision to make. This would often involve employment, buying, selling, getting married, having children, pioneering and on and on. I often thought that’s why God gave you a magnificent brain, use it wisely. Then I read this in a WT magazine.

    September 1, 2001 p. 28 How You Can Make Good Decisions

    Should we, like Gideon, ask for ‘fleece tests,’ signs from Jehovah to show us the way to go? One couple wondered whether they should move to serve where there was a greater need for Kingdom preachers. To help them decide, they arranged a test. They put their house up for sale at a certain price. If the house sold by a certain date at the stated price or higher, they would take it as an indication that God wanted them to make the move. If the house failed to sell, they would conclude that God did not want them to move.

    The house failed to sell. Was that an indication that Jehovah did not want this couple to serve where the need was greater? Of course, it would be presumptuous to state categorically what Jehovah does or does not do for his servants. We cannot say that today Jehovah never intervenes to demonstrate his will for us. (Isaiah 59:1) However, we do not have a right to expect such intervention in our major decisions, in effect leaving our decision making to God. Why, even Gideon for most of his life had to make decisions without miraculous signs from Jehovah!

    So I believe the Bible gives us life accounts that spell out consequences for certain decisions. Our parents taught us this, as well as our own personal observations of our peers at school at work etc.

    There was a brother in my hall 7-8 years ago. He was healthy all his life, his wife regular pioneered for decades, they both made sacrifices, they had no children. The man was in his 50’s and you couldn’t find a more loving, gracious gentleman anywhere. He went in for a routine removal of this tumor on his kidney. I was told he was terrified to be going under the knife. He and his wife prayed fervently for weeks. On the morning of the surgery they both supplicated God together for a positive outcome, and guidance on the surgeon and his team. The surgery was in the morning, I went to my mid-week meeting that night. He was dead by the end of the meeting.

    Did God abandon this loving brother and skip listening to his prayers, of course not. I’m sure that same hospital & doctor operated on Catholics, Buddhists, and atheists with many positive results.

    The prayer had no bearing on the outcome. If no prayers had been said the same results would have occurred for this brother. God is not intervening and giving anyone a special or unique advantage over another person, through prayer. People survive surgeries everyday regardless of their lifestyle or faith.

    Prayers are not right or wrong, but they are personal. If it is something you need to do, no one should judge you.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    I know prayer does not work. And I know prayer does work.

    There are only 3 possible answers to prayer,

    Yes, no and latter.

    So all prayers are answered or resolved according to those guidelines

    whether one attributes the answer to God or fate.

    It seems like the original question is just as much do you believe in God or not.

    And if you believe in God do you pray.

    Not everyone who believes in God prays.

    Theist or atheist 50% of the time you should get what you want or ask for,

    especially if you put some energy behind your desire.

  • Splash

    Yes, I've had some answered.

    I've also experienced the darker side, so am personally convinced about wicked spirits too.


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