DF'ed and Confused...

by Stumbeline 43 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Phaedra


    Enamoured by your first post. I do hope you come back to see all of this good advice and well-wishing!

    At 19 I married my JW hubby. You are in a prime position right now with your thinking ability, youth, and energy.

    The world is your oyster... go make pearls, girl!


  • Stumbeline

    Phae, I have been coming back and actually re-reading these posts...I also plan on utilizing the resources that many have pointed out too (currently checking out jwfacts). I had been nervous to post, but now I see that was quite silly as you are all amazing people eager to help.

  • whathappened

    You said it all in your opening post...you know you don't fit in with the witnesses and it will cause nothing but grief for you to go back, only to get df'd again.

    It may be best for all if you just tell your mom the truth Just like you are telling us.

    Welcome to JWN, by the way. This site can be a huge help to you in the days, weeks, months and years ahead. You will need support and the people here are wonderfully loving.

  • berrygerry

    I'm not sure of your existing friendships, but my daughter had a number.

    I've only been finding out that MANY MANY young witnesses see through the DF "doctrine" for what it is, and regularly ignore it (not openly at the KH, of course).

    That may apply for you.

    I've been reading a business book "Can't Buy Me LIKE" (referencing the LIKE button on Facebook), and the changes that the Internet, and esp. social media, has forced on corporate marketing. The story about Coca-Cola's learning of this sea-change and their EVENTUAL recognition, acceptance, and then embracement, brought obvious comparisons.

    However, Ray Franz's disclosures make it seem like "The Society" (After DECADES of that term seeming so normal, it seems so abnormal to use it the way we do) will be the last to change.

    He references the 1971 WT: "Hence it [the organization] is patterned according to His design for it. It is a theocratic organization, ruled from the divine Top down, and not from the rank and file up."

    But, with young people as the only future, it should be interesting how things play out.


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