I think of how judgmental we were as Witnesses."Worldly ones" were almost as bad as disfellowshipped ones but not as bad as "apostates".
Looking Back, Are You Embarrassed By Your Attitudes, Speech, Actions as a JW?
by minimus 38 Replies latest jw friends
I was a real asshole.
And yes I am embarrassed and I am ashamed of my behaviour.
Found Sheep
I was brainwashed so I don't feel embarrassed. I like me more now :)
Door to door got to be unbearable.
Hoser, I appreciate your honesty.
I'm embarrassed I ever became a jw. But the truth about the cult didn't come out til much later as time progressed. I tried to b a hardcore jdub but i wasnt that great at the hate and judgment part. I miss the family that I had, tho, but that can't be anymore.
I feel bad about condemning all of the nice traditions that I grew up with in my family. Way too serious about "pagan roots." Who the hell do I think I am?!
what a jerk!
Absolutely embarrassed. It's difficult to believe that I actually bought into all the mean-spirited nonsense "in the name of god". And worse that I taught it to my children.
I like myself so much more now...
Well lets see, I told my mom and dad (deceased) all your life you
have been Christian and know nothing about the Bible, I have been
studying with JW's and in one year I have learn more about the bible
then your minister. I told my best friend, I can't be your best man because
your wedding will be held in the Devil house. What a A-hole.