"They've made us debt FREE !!!"

by gingerbread 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • gingerbread

    After the letter was read - and the comment was given about being 'free of payments' on the KH loan - yes, $200,000 is remaining on this single auditorium Hall that was built a few years ago - the applause erupted.

    In the letter it specifically states that new Hall projects are needed in areas where "the costs of property and building materials is high". This new arrangement isn't targeted to build quick structures in developing parts of the world. (13,000 Kingdom Halls and 35 Assembly Halls) Perhaps the focus is to add investment properties to their real estate portfolio (real collateral).

    The letter offers two options for the congregations - the BOE will present a resolution for a monthly payment OR a 'survey' of what each family will contribute monthly. After the letter was read the brother said that there was a change in that method (they had received a NEW letter of instructions on Wednesday). All congregations must take a survey - with each publisher/family committing to a monthly contribution.


  • DesirousOfChange

    AnnOMaly: There's a shiny, new KH, less than a year old in my area and the congs using it are by no means well-off. They got a hefty loan from the WTS. At the time it was all in the planning stage I thought it was going to be a HUGE financial burden on them for the next decade or so - how were they going to manage to maintain the payments? They're going to be jumping for joy over this letter and, as sure as eggs is eggs, donations are going to dwindle ... and they still get to enjoy their shiny, new KH!

    Ann, I think you're onto somthing here.

    Almost all JWs will think that THEY are the less fortunate who are supposed to benefit from the "equalizing". Most will rationalize that all the contributions from OTHER congregations will pay off THEIR Kingdom Hall loan (that no longer exists in their name anyway).

    It will be just like the Donation Arrangement for literature. EVERYONE ELSE is supposed to be contributing for it and the funds will decline.

    I know they will not be getting ANY of my $$$.


  • DesirousOfChange

    After the letter was read the brother said that there was a change in that method (they had received a NEW letter of instructions on Wednesday). All congregations must take a survey - with each publisher/family committing to a monthly contribution.

    The LEGAL DEPT must have gotten involved and decided they needed evidence that the $$$ was NOT related to a payback of loans. Wonder if they will have the CO collect the survey slips or have them forwarded to HQ?



    " I have no response for stupidity. This young man is not destined to be a CPA"

    He is destined to be a C.O!!! LOL!! I think the GB know that the friends cannot pay indefinitely. I mean, you can't squeeze blood from a stone. I think the point is to get what they can, FAST, and set a new precedent in contributing. The Org is nothing without 2 vital ingredients:

    1) Information control/propaganda

    2) Donations

    If those 2 things end, so does the ORG. It may be happening already.



    " Almost all JWs will think that THEY are the less fortunate who are supposed to benefit from the "equalizing". Most will rationalize that all the contributions from OTHER congregations will pay off THEIR Kingdom Hall loan ..." LOL!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!

    This is getting good!! This is what happens when you lie. Information control from the WTBTS indicates that "wonderous expansion is now taking place!!" Guess what?!?!? It's always SOMEWHERE ELSE!!! EVERYTHING happening in the BORG is always somewhere else...except hardship!! That is happening to "my KH" and "your KH!!" HAHAHAHA!!! So now everyone thinks the surplus of somewhere else will cover their deficiency! HEHE...

    "All congregations must take a survey - with each publisher/family committing to a monthly contribution."

    MUST?!?!?! I don't have to do a damn thing! I can't wait for bible highlights.


  • Splash

    The letter to the elders said in part:

    "The elders in congregations without loans or those having standing resolutions to support Kingdom Hall construction worldwide should take a confidential survey of all publishers to determine the amount of the new resolution. This can be done by passing out slips of paper to be filled out anonymously by the publishers indicating how much they are able to contribute monthly toward local congregation expenses, including the resolution to support Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide."

    So it's not down to family heads, it's all publishers. At what age can you be accepted as a publisher these days?

    Also, I don't understand the last sentence ..."including the resolution to support Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide."

    Who can explain to me what that bit means?


  • AnnOMaly

    I can't believe the Legal/Finance Dept haven't factored in the potential long term loss by forgiving the loans. It must be one of the reasons they're grabbing any surpluses from every cong., circuit and region so that they can invest and get decent returns instead.

    After the letter was read the brother said that there was a change in that method (they had received a NEW letter of instructions on Wednesday). All congregations must take a survey - with each publisher/family committing to a monthly contribution.

    gingerbread, are you saying there was an addendum to the letter we've seen? Whether the Hall was mortgaged or not, ALL congs must do the survey?

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    The LEGAL DEPT must have gotten involved and decided they needed evidence that the $$$ was NOT related to a payback of loans - DOC

    I think you're onto something there. However, by just mentioning that the kind of money they were expecting was on par with at least the same amount as the mortgage payment, the elders are already primed with the notion of how much to kick in.

    HOWEVER, the congregation has NO IDEA what page 2 says, and will donate accordingly, i.e., not much.

    Their two levels of information may come back to bite them in the ass.

  • gingerbread

    Yes - AnnOMaly.

    Any congregation who had (earlier in the week) agreed to a 'resolution' to send a lump sum every month is now "on hold". The new letter states that each publisher in the congregation will get a 'survey' slip to fill out.

    It just got personal - no longer a contribution as a congregation but a contribution from YOU the publisher. They want a $ commitment from each publisher.


  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    There will no longer be a sense of "ownership" of a KH. In the past bros scraped together cash because the hall would be "theirs". Few realised that they would, never did, own it.

    Now the decision, the finance, the build will all be parachuted in. Where is the sense of sacrifice and conseqent ownership that motivated deep giving? It seems to me that people will have more loyalty to their nearest public library.

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