"They've made us debt FREE !!!"

by gingerbread 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • AnnOMaly

    Yes - AnnOMaly.

    Any congregation who had (earlier in the week) agreed to a 'resolution' to send a lump sum every month is now "on hold". The new letter states that each publisher in the congregation will get a 'survey' slip to fill out.


    (Um, any chance of making this supplementary letter available to view?)

  • tornapart

    Just wondering if the 'loans' they gave to congregations for their new KHs would take away their charity status (similar to when they dumped donations for publications). Maybe they have to change the way they do things or else they'll lose the charity status and have to fork out loads more money than the repayments they get back in loans.

  • Oubliette

    Also, I don't understand the last sentence ..."including the resolution to support Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide."

    Translation: We need money, lots of it!


    " Also, I don't understand the last sentence ..."including the resolution to support Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide."

    I take it to mean: " Brothers, not only must you continue to pay the bills in the KH that YOU purchased with your contributions and then signed over to us, but you will also pay an additional amount. Don't think that this new arrangement means that you can "voluntarily donate" to one, but not the other. Also, YES, you will still be required to donate at CA's RC's Special Day's and the occasional "International Convention Delegate Scam's" that we come up with periodically."

    See, there is not "tithing" or "collections", but they will "resolution" your ass do death.. Make sense?


  • Londo111


  • TTATTelder

    See, there is not "tithing" or "collections", but they will "resolution" your ass do death.. - Data-Dog

    LOL....So so true.

    Semantic games aplenty in this organization.


  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    "I don't understand the last sentence ..."including the resolution to support Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide."


    Translation: stock up on KY Jelly.....



  • jgnat

    The Ally commercial:


    Here in Canada we have "equalized" payments to the provinces. Guess what the "have" provinces think about THAT?


  • Newly Enlightened
  • gingerbread

    Also at last night's meeting - the elder that read the letter opened it up for any questions. The questions raised were about the actual contribution boxes - confusion about which boxes will remain and which were going away.

    In conversation afterward some folks (who have brains that still think) expressed that they were just putting $'s into the local box - to cover expenses. One older brother said to me that he stopped putting money into the 'worldwide work' box a few years ago because it was probably being used for legal fees and victim hush money.

    Now they realize that they have lost control of where their contributions will be applied.

    One big SLUSH FUND ....


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