Great thread. Marked
"They've made us debt FREE !!!"
by gingerbread 59 Replies latest jw friends
It just dawned on me that the blood ransom works pretty well the same way.
gingerbread: Now they realize that they have lost control of where their contributions will be applied.
Except they never had control. That was just an illusion. Now even the illusion of control has been taken away.
It's time to review: It's a cult!
JW GoneBad
One thing is for certain, Financial Surveys by the WTBTS of its members (Jehovah's Witnesses) are here to stay!
Note what the March 29, 2014 BOE letter (page 2) says more than likely each BOE congregation will be doing on a regular basis:
'If necessary, the elders may take a new financial survey, as described above, to determine whether the resolved monthly contribution to Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide should be adjusted for the coming year.'
By the way, the above quote was kept secret and not read to the congregations.
By the opening and subsequent wording, it appears to me they are trying to obfuscate the real issue: the "resolution" we are to vote on either as a group or personally, is to agree to respond as REQUESTED (per written instructions), for a MONTHLY SET DONATION. In otherwards, they want to avoid using the word, "solicit" in this "request," but it is in fact the same thing. Should I have the opportunity tonight, I may very well ask one or ore of the following questions: 1. Is this solicitation or request for a voluntary monthly donation for a set term or indefinite, for my whole family or for each baptized member of my family? 2. By writing this down, will this constitute a promise or vow to Jah for this sepecific amount for a set term or indefinitely? 3. How is this different from a solicitation of money which we claim we do not do? Ho wcan rhis not be seen as compulsion to commit ourselves? Definitions: re·solve riˈzälv,-ˈzôlv/ verb gerund or present participle: resolving
- settle or find a solution to (a problem, dispute, or contentious matter).
"the firm aims to resolve problems within 30 days"
synonyms: settle, sort out, solve, find a solution to, fix, straighten out, deal with, put right, put to rights, rectify; More -
decide firmly on a course of action.
"she resolved to call Dana as soon as she got home"
synonyms: determine, decide, make up one's mind, make a decision More SOLICIT
verb \sə-ˈli-sət\so·lic·it : to ask for (something, such as money or help) from people, companies, etc.
: to ask (a person or group) for money, help, etc.
: to offer to have sex with (someone) in return for money
Full Definition of SOLICIT
transitive verb 1 a : to make petition to : entreat b : to approach with a request or plea <solicited Congress for funding> 2 : to urge (as one's cause) strongly 3 a : to entice or lure especially into evil b : to proposition (someone) especially as or in the character of a prostitute 4 : to try to obtain by usually urgent requests or pleas<solicited donations> intransitive verb 1 : to make solicitation : importune 2 of a prostitute : to offer to have sexual relations with someone for moneySee solicit defined for English-language learners » See solicit defined for kids »
Examples of SOLICIT
- The center is soliciting donations to help victims of the earthquake.
- The company is soliciting bids from various firms.
- The organization is soliciting new memberships.
- The newspaper's editors want to solicit opinions from readers.
- The organization is soliciting for donations.
- Special interest groups are soliciting Congress for funds.
- The prostitutes were arrested for soliciting customers.
Origin of SOLICIT
Middle English, to disturb, promote, from Anglo-Frenchsolliciter, from Latin sollicitare to disturb, from sollicitusanxious, from sollus whole (from Oscan; akin to Greek holoswhole) + citus, past participle of ciēre to move — more atsafe, -kinesis First Known Use: 15th centuryRelated to SOLICIT
- Related Words
- circularize; interrogate, question; feel (out), sound (out)
- Near Antonyms
- report
Rhymes with SOLICIT
complicit, elicit, explicit, illicit, implicitLearn More About SOLICIT
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- settle or find a solution to (a problem, dispute, or contentious matter).
"the firm aims to resolve problems within 30 days"
Now in USA and European cities the CO can sell cong A KH (own hall for years not sharing) and tell them to share with cong B and (maybe C)
Society make $100,000's. Cong A shares a hall with the KH of B (and maybe C)
Take a city with ten congs in 6 halls. They can make it nine congs in 4 halls, sell two.
Loadsamoney for Society/a few elders to spread about.
Elders can't say "it's our hall" so easily - after all "mother" really owns it now and the branch decides what is to be done with it.
I don't quite get the bottom line of this greed. Typically, someone needs to be making money on a personal level to drive this hunger for more money.
Looking at the people that lead the Org and the seemingly average resources they have, it doesn't make much sense. One could say that business needs and a cash flow problem could be driving this, but that's also hard to believe as well, because of the influx of cash from real estate sales.
This all look like Monopoly!
Go back to jail!
"They", meaning the secretive top brass also known as the "Governing Body",
are formulating some "Shock and Awe", plan, and they need money.
They will go after youth, children and teens, with some enticement.
Some new media related thing; to stem the hemorrhaging
of youth out of the WT.
villagegirl, I think you attribute too much intelligence at the top. Sometimes organizations behave as though they are intelligent, but they are really just reacting to their environment. Like jellyfish.