Thanks everyone for your comments.
I will meet this guy , leaving aside the consequences for me.
I want to clarify with him because I blamed her behavior in the previous visit , and I try to throw a message or call : if you really believe in this organization and you care of it , work to change it , to make it more humane and tolerant, or one day you might assist its dissolution and keeps nothing. Or at least you will be set-aside by the organization for age limits, and you will count nothing.
(then for me is PLUNK.. )
@XstuckX - Why meet with him? Seems like it would be a lot easier to just say no: I've no answer for this.
@NotNew - For start...why be rude? : Usually I'm not. But this guy, during his visit last year, has tried to involve my wife to make her testify against me, as second witnesses. He has lobbied saying that Jehovah expect this from her, and calling for loyalty to Jehovah, and urging his sense of guilt. Face to face, I will say that it is unethical to use other people as your tools for your purposes. Week after his visit it was announced I am “marked”.
@KateWild and @CultBgone: Special thanks. I'd like your comments insipire me .
@new hope and happiness: LOL. Never seen a CO spending his money …
@breakfast of champions: You touched exatctly one of my points. End is not coming and suddendly, 20 years, you'll be in your 70. What are you doing then ?
@DATA-DOG: good points
@tiki - “fly under the radar” seems like a good metaphor. This is the 4th CO I meet with in the last 8 years, when I started fading.
@cantleave- I would say “I'm sure about evidence, and evidence is that God is used by GB”
@blondie – I think CO would like to solve this “problem”, me, before leaving for another Circuit. I like to see his next move at this point. My wife , she knows all about me, we had lot of conflict in the past years, but now we're stable. She's aware from years that sooner or later I will be DFd or DA.
@Billy – yes will try. Like I did last year...