STARTING OVER with my Elderette - What Does the Bible REALLY Teach?

by Faithful Witness 59 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Listener

    "When they make adjustments, or we are given a new or clearer understanding, I usually just think... 'Why didn't we believe that all along?' I hear it, I check the scriptures, and realize they are right. For me, and I can only speak for myself of course, I am glad that we keep adjusting our path, so we can follow what the Bible really says."

    This seems to be a common remark from JWs and once again she is not just speaking for herself, she's repeating an ingrained thought control.

    Examining this statement is interesting.

    If she were to reconsider what she was originally taught, without knowing the new teaching, would she still believe what that original teaching was? Of course she would. But and the big but is, that it was obviously wrong (from a JW standpoint) so why weren't questions being asked and why did she not closely examine this teaching?

    "So we can follow what the bible really says" This is acknowledgement that they don't have the truth because they don't always follow what the bible says, otherwise they wouldn't need to make changes.

    Who is telling her to make changes in her understanding? Is it the bible or is it men?

    What she is really saying is that she loves the new teaching because it is easier to explain whilst witnessing and is easier to understand. She doesn't care about the truthfullness of the old teaching or the new teaching. As long as it comes from the organization she will find some way to adapt it into her own thinking.

    You haven't, as yet, forced her hand into having to say that we need to wait on Jehovah for the answer to that question but she seems to present herself as a person who knows all the answers. This is what makes a JW such a prideful person, they think they have all the answers and this isn't from their own understandings, reasearch and thoughtful consideration but because they have been spoonfed those answers. Even when they know they are wrong they are right because they can turn to some twisted teachings for a reply that sounds good.

    Get ready for her to use the statement about having to wait on Jehovah for a specific answer.

  • blondie

    My husband started a study with an alcoholic/drug-addicted man on the first call using the brochure of the time. He called back 3 times and the man came to the KH once then went off into his addiction again.

    The CO had my husband give the experience leaving off the negative conclusion...........they clean up and edit those experiences to the point that the person who had the experience doesn't recognize it.

  • sparrowdown

    Yes I agree with blondie, this "elderette" is proably already notching up some major brownie points bragging about her dealings with you with other witnesses. Leaving out anything that could be construed as "negative". Personally, I would not feel comfortable letting her use me in that way.

    But you must have your reasons for throwing a few "pennies" into her witnessing/bragging account. Hope it turns out well for you.

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    The International Convention in Detroit is in 2 weeks, the weekend of June 6. I'm a little disappointed we didn't get an invitation yet.

  • Bob_NC

    Adding to Blondie's post... I gave an experience on the Circuit Assembly when I was a JW kid. But the experience was not something that happened to me. I rehearsed what I was given to say and related the experience as if it was my own. It never happened, to me anyway.

    Evidently, the assembly part instructions said to have a JW youth to relate a positive/successful field service experience. I got so many compliments afterwards for being such a zealous young brother. Sheesh! If only I had opened my eyes to things back then.

  • Apognophos

    Oh, whoops, I forgot that was the International Convention. I don't think non-Witnesses get invited to that.

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    interesting... My mom expressed concerns that they were inviting "the public." I asked her about it, and she said that they were... maybe my invitation is still coming. I will never be a convention topic, unless they somehow can find value in relating stories of someone who just never "gets it." I will not be progressing.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Faithful Witness... Yes. We know you will not be progressing, but that is not the point, or how your "studies" will possibly be presented on a circuit assembly or District Convention, program.

    Like Blondie ^^^ noted in the above about her hubby's study.

    JW's are scraping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to "great" " encouraging " experiences.

    I have no doubt but your pioneer "Lady" who "studies" with you is at least thinking about submitting "her" experience to her circuit overseer.

    The spin will be on however the circuit overseer and the still in District Overseer want to play it to the clapclapclapclapclapclap etc. drone crowd.

    Unbeknowst to you, your "study" with Miss K could be one of the highlighted experiences at the DC. lol

    It is however the CO and DO want it.


  • Island Man
    Island Man

    "Also, WHY have we not received an invitation to the International Convention??"

    The international convention has basically the same program as the regular regional convention (with perhaps a few special features). The primary appeal of the international convention is that JWs from different countries get to meet and associate and reinforce to themselves the mantra about them being united despite being of different nationalities. It basically doubles as a photo op to capture and boast about JWs being united in true christian love despite coming from different races, cultures and nationalities.

    Attending the international convention is regarded as a special priviledge that must not be extended to any and every "Johnny come lately". This is why it is not open to the general public - and not even to any and every JW. It is by special invitation/approval only! A JW who wishes to attend an international convention has to be exemplary and has to send in an application for approval.



    .............................................SO MANY CHOICES..


    ...........................Read About The Bible,Or Read The Bible?..................................



    ................................Read About A Hot Dog,Or Eat A Hot Dog?..



    ....................Eat A Bible?................................................Read A Hot Dog?..


    ............................................. photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

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