I was going to message you on this to stay under the radar but I suspect that those reading your threads may find this of interest. I truly would like for this to remain buried in this thread. You will want to read James 1 and James 4.
I recently realized that paragraph 7 is one of the first opportunities to show
1. that the literature may be twisting scriptures to fit WTS conclusions, and
2. that the WTS can do an abracadabra on the interpretation if you're not paying attention.
The paragraph is about how the evil religious leaders of Christendom are telling people that bad things happening is God's will. Let her know that you read the book of James as a result of this paragraph. Ask if, contextually, she understands James 1:13 as being about God's will or man's will. If she reads it and acknowledges that the passage is with respect to man's will, ask her why they use that scripture to support God's will. If she says otherwise, let her argue in as many ways that she can, that the passage refers to God's will.
As an aside, I've had three different JWs tell me variations of stories of conversions to JWism AFTER an evil ill-informed religious leader told them (or someone that they knew) that the loss of a loved one was God's will. If you are so blessed with this, ask if the writer of James would support that conclusion. If she answers in the affirmative, ask her how she interprets James 4:15 - Is God's will with respect to a life just true if they are doing commerce?... What all might be included with "this or that?
If nobody died with their surviving loved ones being angry at their religious leader, focus on the last sentence of paragraph 7. Tell her that in order for an interpretation to be true, you believe that it has to be true thoughout the scriptures. Tell her that if what the paragraph says is true, you need for her to help you with some other scriptures. Go to Proverbs 16:4. Follow with Isaiah 45:7 and the NWT's cross-referenced scriptures at Eccl and Amos. If you haven't ticked her off, go to one of the Potter passages. I like Romans 9:10-25... there are some real gems in that small passage. Each of the following verses denies the WTS of some aspect of it's proclaimed truth: 11, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23.
Let it rest for a few weeks. I promise you're going to want to leap to the next piece, but don't.
When you get to the top of page 29? ... "HEY!!!!!! When I told you that James 1:13 had to do with man's will on page 10, you told me that the passage was about God's will! Why does this book now tell me that the passage is about man's will? Wait a minute.... seriously, which is truth??? Whose will is the verse really about?!?"
Either way, she's stuck either denying WTS truth found on page 10 or denying the truth found on page 29.
Good luck. :)
"If you follow any man without asking questions, you are begging to be exploited."