Accusing Ex-JWs of Behaving Like JWs Should be Taboo

by cofty 447 Replies latest members private

  • Giordano

    For Jhine:

    The JW mindset is a strange blend of a religion and corporate culture and is often embraced by people who function well under high control and tend not to question. The mindset leads to a herd mentality on the one hand and a legalistic approach on the the other.

    The JW mindset is a natural byproduct of a religious organization that started as a business ie a publishing house. And over the years has blended it's dogma with a corporate culture to an extent that makes it difficult to separate those things. Higher Education and critical thinking is discouraged, personal grooming is also controlled to a surprising level as are certain medical treatments.

    The JW mindset is also embraced by people who prefer order and marching in step.

    The JW mindset for others is that raising in the ranks by becoming an Elder one can exercise considerable control in the local congregation (the rank and file) as long as they are 'company men' first who will support the WTBTS policy/dogma even if they recognize that the policy or instructions are wrong. Being in control, keeping control be it a discussion, debate or from a position of authority within the organization is considered the proper mindset.

    One could say the military, the Catholic Church with it's priests, the Mormons and certainly the Amish etc. all have cultural/traditional mindsets that incorporate a lot of the above.

    Used on this forum it may imply that one is not thinking through an issue sufficiently because they have a JW mindset and are not using critical thinking skills. Or simply believing the same old stuff without questioning.

    It can also be applied to someone who is not interested in considering what the other person is trying to get across as in a legalistic Elder dealing with a rank and file.

  • minimus

    Yes, you know a JW mindset when you see it.

  • cofty

    I think that the last couple of pages demonstrates that to people like minimus a so-called "JW mindset" is anything a person doesn't like in another.

    As Oubliette said "A lot of people can be mean, stubborn, dogmatic, argumentative and controlling without ever having been a JW, so we cannot say those traits are uniquely JW in nature."

    Most of the time it is used it is nothing but a vacuous, arrogant and dismissive put-down.

  • frankiespeakin

    Accusing Ex-JWs of Behaving Like JWs Should be Taboo

    The very title seems very JWish type of censorship to me. Did you ever get to thinking that you're in denial of this and so request a stupid type of censorship in an adult discussion group. To me it is very obvious that these types of glaring facts escape your notice.

  • cofty

    A taboo is not based on laws or censorship but on what is considered socially acceptable. Substitute your preferred synonym if you prefer, it makes no difference.

    I am not proposing a new rule, just commenting on a trend.

    Thanks for proving my point though.

  • minimus

    Cof, the examples I gave on page 8 say otherwise. What you continue to do should be taboo, but maybe you'll grasp what so many are kindly trying to help you see.

  • cofty

    Your examples on page 8 prove nothing except your pet peeves.

    What you continue to do should be taboo

    Do you mean continue to disagree with the mighty red dot?

    kindly trying to help you see

    hahahahahaha - good one!

  • LivingTheDream


    There were so many other ways to word the title of this thread without ending it with "...should be taboo". That ending doesn't just make it an observation, it becomes a call to action. Perhaps you didn't mean it that way, but that's the way it sounds and is probably why so many are pushing back on it.

    I find the discussion fascinating though and it will certainly give me pause in the future for saying or behaving in a way a JW might, whatever that means. I am actually always wondering (and worrying) how much JW is still left in me.

    I have the same fear of acting like my own father whom I do not care for or respect at all. When I see his traits in me, I feel a sense of dread and try to rectify it immediately. The worst insult someone could say to me that knows us both would be "Brock, you are acting like your father." My mother pulls this one out on me from time to time just because it is so hurtful to me. So, I totally get it when you feel people pull out the "You're acting like a JW" statement carelessly.

    That said, I'm glad the issue was raised. I don't get on this board very often, but when I do and I read a thread like this, it makes me think. I love the differing opinions just because of that.

    Perhaps better titles for this thread could have been: Accusing ex-JWs of behaving like JWs...

    ... is a trend I've noticed recently
    ... is often over used
    ... is disturbing on so many levels
    ... is a low blow best avoided
    ... personally irritates me
    ... is a lazy way to make a point

    and so on.

    Brock Talon

  • frankiespeakin

    I would like to suggest this title to the thread as more to the point:

    "So if you acuse Cofty of it you can all just go to hell, lalalalalalalalallala I got my fingers in my ears thread"

    "You spotted it you got it" thread as a less wordy heading

  • cofty

    I am going to assume you are smoking pot again frankie and let you off for being insulting as usual.

    Brock - The title is what it is. In retrospect it could have been, "Accusing Ex-JWs of Behaving Like JWs Should be Taboo For Anybody Who Doesn't Want to Sound Intellectually Lazy and Insulting" but that would be a bit verbose.

    The OP explains my point very clearly.

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