I do not think JW is dying. They could 100-85-45-25 years ago after all these failed prophecies and expectations, but they survived. They are not going anywhere. They may experience shinking membership for a while, but they will not disappear. WT is a seller of unatainable and misleading empty promises for a better future, and there are alwyas thousands of people who would sit on the bait. The image of petting zoo of pandas and tigers; resurrected loved ones; world without problem because there is higher power that will solve everything. This sell nicely. Many people would not care about WT past nor use analytical skills to see that it is all nonsense. After 1975 they experienced crisis, but WT resolved them with new round of BS. They will adapt.
org is dying
by lambsbottom 101 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Early Christianity survived when the clear expectation that Jesus had of the nearness of the 'end', failed. It also survived the death of the Apostles, who had expected the end.
And 2000 years later, "faithful" Christians still expect the END.
But the only end they get to experiences is their own END.
And, somehow they never learn.
I too feel it in my bones so to speak.
It is definitely a different era and a different generation.
Think internet, Google, Arab Spring...
Didn't PEW find that two thirds of those brought up as JWs no longer are?
Sure some want to be blind, but now the true nature of the Watchtower and its apostate ruling religious clergy class is only a few mouse clicks away for those sufficiently motivated.
Rome will never fall (1517).
Soviet communism will never fall (1985).
The Berlin wall will never fall (1989).
Authoritarian Islamist governments will never fall (2010).
(1 Thessalonians 5:3) . . .then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them. . .
(Revelation 18:21) . . .“Thus with a swift pitch will Babylon the great city be hurled down, and she will never be found again.
We should also remember it is much easier to count those still captive to the apostate Watchtower Orgnisation, than the much bigger number of those spared and freed.
Mickey mouse
I have a theory that some ex-JWs need to believe that the org is indestructible because it has had such a strangle hold on their life that it becomes a nemesis. They would find it hard to accept that this all powerful thing that controlled their lives for so long could disappear.
In the case of our old congregation it's simple maths. Half the congregation is over 70 and most of those will die in the next 20 years. The Internet has prevented normal new people joining in the last 15 years. The org will still be there in 20 years but it will look vastly different. After that I can't predict.
I like your theory Mickey mouse, and personally think it may even be more fact than theory...
..it is the policy of shunning etc which holds many younger independent thinking ones in.....they attend meetings and conventions because they have been conditioned to do so without protest...and as others have mentioned...many of them see the org as a social outlet..where they will meet and marry....after all..the world is evil and wholly in satans' power..isn't it..?...I count myself lucky that I had no family in it...and so when I left after 30 years I suffered minimally compared with those who lose families kith and kin....
The fact is they are not making a lot of new converts anymore. The born in's are not staying for so long...
And the new converts are complete nuts...
Dont know if "dying off" is happening or not but I am starting to sense a lack of momentum.
Great assessment!
The momentum is gone. JWs no longer have any "fire". They are all just going through the motions and repeating the same old cliches.
Meeting attendance is way down, always at least 30% missing except when the CO comes to town. I remember when nothing was allowed to interfere with attending a meeting. Not now. There's always another meeting next week. Thankfully they have cut the meetings shorter and you get out quicker and join your friends for a couple of beers and a burger when it's over.
Field Service is a joke. No one is really doing it. Knocking on the same old not-at-homes during mid-week. Sitting in Starbucks. Driving around from one end of the territory to the other wasting time and gasoline calling on RVs that were not-at-home yesterday and will be NAH again today. But it all adds up to almost 2 BILLION HOURS! WOW! The Kingdom is really expanding!
Elder and MS appointments are dismal. The best and brightest have left the building. They're appointing younger and younger because they have no one else to choose. They're appointing men who would never have qualified in the past. The new qualification standard is "have a pulse and obey the GB". The quality of Public Talks is........ well.........just SAD. But the power and prestige are addictive for those who can get regconition no where else. Where else do they get to wear (polyester) suits and ties? And these are the people attracted to the religion.
Dying? That might be too strong of a word. But clearly, the Organization is no longer vibrant.