I believe religion will always exist. However, certain groups have a life cycle as other posters mentioned. The current JW model will drive them into extinction. They will have to evolve like the Catholic Church did. If they choose not to, they they will fade into obscurity as did many other groups before their time. When youre a doomsday group you have a limited life cycle. They will have to evolve.
org is dying
by lambsbottom 101 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The difference between 1975...1995..and now is the Internet.
Think about how different the org is now compared to 76, when I started studying. There is no book study night. There is one AWake per month and one Watchtower issue for the public. All the books are in softback now. Pioneer hours are cut way down. Circuit assemblies are cut down. The governing body has become so toxic, that people don't feel any joy anymore. They feel oppressed and their self esteem has just about been obliterated. People were staying sick from all the stress by the time I left. I can't imagine what it's like for them now. And they just look ridiculous when they come into the place I work, dressed in meeting clothes. The boys wearing ties and dress shirt and the little girls wearing ugly dresses. They think they stand out as so well groomed and respectful, but they just look pitifully dated, not unlike that movie Pleasantville.
YOu can't oppress people, in the heavy way the JWs do, forever. Remember when the iron curtain fell?
Good comment Flyinghigh, they really are a joke from years ago, the Org does not teach the bible their books are pathetic and look as though a 3rd grade class put them together. Most Jw's have nothing they can say at the door or defend themselves when approached, its become a club of people getting their ears tickled being told they are better than the rest of the world...I can't see any reason a young one would want anything to do with this cult..
Religion/ misguided belief itself is the cause of most conflicts...how many wars, uprisings, and blood sheds have atheists been responsible for?....
even jws cause family conflict...as for the bible..the only harmony about it is the colour of its paper.
imagine...no religion too..as John Lennon sang about...
Why is someone a Baptist or a Catholic or a Jew Muslim anything religious.
Its all been exposed by science yet billions of people cling to their sky captains.
We won't see the Wt. collapse in our lifetimes. People (billions) need their sky captains.
Not to worry here's a replacement for all who are searching!
Religion/ misguided belief itself is the cause of most conflicts...how many wars, uprisings, and blood sheds have atheists been responsible for?....
Think about the former USSR, China and N. Korea for starters.
FlyingHighNow. USSR was never atheist country. It had the official politics was atheist, but population was not. I lived under communism, and there were some preferred national churches, and outlawed other like JW. While communist government inflicted heavy crackdown on clergy and repressed or marginalized the active believers, it was never successfull in enforcing atheism. The biggest hit to religious organization was education and religious indifference in Eastern Europe. Majority of violence there was directed against population refusing dictatorship. As any other totalitarian regime, it sought to maintain control in whatever means in whatever cost. Not much different from Nazi Germany, or Jacobin France in 1794. Neither Hitler or Robespierre were atheist. Under Stalin in 1941, Othodox church was preferred faith as it helped unified Russian population against Nazims. Churches in Russia were opened durign WWII and remained under government control until 1991. East Asia are specific and religious indifferent, but you cannot compare cultural and social fabric in China with USSR and not to mention with Northern Korea where the dictatorial family is venerated as a saint.
The Watchtower's heyday in the West is over - although its death throes may last a few decades more. It'll boom for a time in third world countries where bullshit smoke and mirrors can still move spiritual mountains. In New Zealand, by contrast, rural kingdom halls are disappearing. So much for going where the need is greater. The dumbed down literature is a joke. Talk about meat in due season..more like mince.
Virtually everything the WTS says and does these days seems to have a quiet (and sometimes not so quiet) undercurrent of increasing panic and/or barely-concealed desperation.
Human beings (and thusly, organizations) don't behave that way if they're feeling security and predicting longevity.