While WT has been able to survive 1914, 1925, 1975, and 1995, I don't think they have the level of brains today that they did in years past. And as already stated, the Internet wasn't around back then. It takes some kind of charisma to keep a cult going. Now that they're getting rid of the DOs, that leaves the COs to do the face-to-face rallying of the troups. I don't know that many can do it effectively.
In the past, JWs were flooded with litteratrash to read. Now that's down to a trickle, particularly when you eliminate all the "old light" that ought not be read anymore. They used to circulate recorded talks. That's discouraged now. Sure, there are the official audio recordings and videos now, but most of the time it seems that the videos get watched once (twice if they prepare for the SM that discusses it). Some listen to the audio recordings, but most don't. As we know, the number and length of meetings have decreased in recent decades. Cults need to keep a tight rein. Not sure that WT is doing this.
One of the things that has always existed, but seems to have increased, IMHO, is that JWs have such friction within the ranks. I've been in congregations where the mudslinging and divisions in the congregation were unbelievable. Despite the fact that "Local Needs" were constantly about fixing gossip and infighting, the material coming from WT was sowing suspision of other JWs. In the magazines, talks, and dramas, there were continuous examples of "bad JWs" that were causing problems for "good JWs". I would shudder when these came up because it fueled the infighting and hostility among the sheeple.
Whether it's dying or not, at least I'm glad I'm not involved in that train wreck.