Mickey mouse=funnily enough when I was waking up, but also attending meetings. I used to count the attendees by age. 3/4 were 40 years or older while 1/4 was 40 and under, with about 5% in the 18-25 year old bracket. At the conventions it would be a fair to say "where are all the 18-25 year olds". I believe it's this group that the Org has to place the most focus on, as the children of today will be the leaders of tomorrow. Although I would like to see a total collapse of the Org in spectacular fashion, I think the old girl has still got a bit of life in her. In the immediate future I tend to see more of a plateau. But while I use the word plateau, it is clearly an operation that is in trouble, and if they don't address these issues now, they will be having massive problems in a couple of decades time.
org is dying
by lambsbottom 101 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Religion as a whole is dying, especially as science is becoming better and answers less mystical. But I have said this for years and I will say it to death, for a certian core group and personality type, the religion will always be there home no matter what.
I went recently to: Toronto, Rome, Madrid, Paris. Big cities. I was in the subway, downtown, etc... I didn't see a single JW or a cart or a trolley.
It's certainly losing steam... But the story is quite different in third-world countries. Go to almost any city in Mexico on a Saturday morning and you'll see droves of them.
Cold Steel
The question I proffer is, what would be the effects of global catastrophes be on the sect, and religion in general. If we began to have increasingly devastating earthquakes, melting of the polar ice regions (which is caused by volcanic activity, not global warming), resulting in the destruction of coastal cities, and so forth, would this cause people who have left the faith to return to it?
By the way, in point of the Armageddon doctrine held by the WTBTS, as we see the recent military activity in Iraq, and the call by fanatical Muslims for a restored caliphate, the JWs had better rethink their position. The “beast” in the book of Revelation (also known in the Old Testament as Gog, the Assyrian, and fundamental Christianity as “the Antichrist”) rises up in the Middle East and ultimately brings its entire military power against Jerusalem. This is biblical eschatology. The JWs, however, have embraced the replacement theology by which they have replaced Jerusalem and Judah with themselves; yet how can they explain what’s taking place? Judah has returned, Israel has been reestablished, and now the Muslim powers are calling for a return of the caliphate, laying the ground for biblical Armageddon (not JW Armageddon, which is embarrassingly unbiblical).
Jesus returns when the “beast” attacks Jerusalem and is on the point of succeeding. With imminent destruction facing the Jews, the Messiah appears in Heaven and destroys the beast and all but a sixth of his military forces. The kingdom that “was, is not, and will be again” is, I think, the Muslim Caliphate. But prophecy also states that the world will experience many natural disasters and destruction, called by many the “Tribulation.” So when this happens, will people return to religion? The scriptures say no, but that men will “curse God and die,” but those who were once religious is another matter. I believe the Society also is suffering from a lack of faith in its legitimacy. After all, it has no claim to apostolic authority. Most people who leave the faith do not feel there is an alternative, and many end up rejecting all religion.
If these destructions happen, will the WTBTS see a revival? What effect would these devastations have on you? Would you see any religious significance or would you write it off as the earth going through natural changes?
Cold Steel, you're not supposed to eat the moldy shrooms....
Everything, including religions have a life cycle. I agree the the organization hit its peak decades ago. Selling corporate assets is a sign that it is in decline.
That being said, many organizations figure out how to sustain a life after a decline. So the question really should focus on whether or not the organization has the ability to create a new life cycle. This what seems to be happening with jw.org and the trolly witnessing. Lets see what happens
Whether it lives on a 100 years or dies in the information age of now, it matters not. It is still a vindictive lie wrapped in a cult, packaged as hope. Some can't resist the offer of a free package so the numbers may grow......some will always be too afraid when they find the package empty and the threats begin, so some nimbers will remain.
If you are here at this forum, you are one of the lucky ones.
Go live the real life and remember...
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice.....shame on me.
I was just writing on anther thread about how the JWs are an excellent model for how needy people function to their own detriment. They NEED a god and a savior, they NEED an organization, they NEED a faithful and discreet slave, they NEED a governing body, they NEED food at the proper time, they NEED discipline, they NEED an elder body, etc., etc., and more needy etc.
Whenever a person or organization is that needy, they are focused only on themselves, no one else. It is impossible for anyone in that state to better the world around them (other to unite people against their siphoning resources). There is no good that can be produced from them directly... and as the years go by without Armageddon, spiritual fulfillment no longer comes with a few choice scriptures and a NEED for more prayer.
People are more intelligent, they can look up ANY information at any time. The history of how the bible was written is getting clearer and with fewer arguments among historians. The growing trend of thinking about the world as a whole (whether recycling or electric vehicles) may seem futile in the long run (and maybe it is) but it forces people to think globally... even if it's just for a few, pretentious moments.
Jehovah's Witnesses can't compete in the long run. They are not as laughable as the Mormons, but the oldest standing Christianity, taken by Paul to Rome and built into what will later be the Catholic church is almost 2000 years old. Jehovah's Witnesses are barely over 100 years old. There is no telling how many thousands of Christianities have risen and fell in the past two millennia. Remember, JWs are just one survivor of a four-headed schism itself. It's a byproduct religion... and like thousands of religions before it, it will run its course. However long it takes is irrelevant... they aren't any closer to the truth then they were a century ago, and they certainly aren't any closer than those of stronger substance that have fallen before it came into existence.
I don't know I think a few more major scandals like the type that come from a required Charites Audit, Fines For not taking care of loyal works retirement needs(which seems to be a major issue in some European countries already), more childmolestation lawsuits, miss direction of funds given in good faith to them as a charitable donations used to pay these fines and other building project and property purchases, Tax evasion, money laundering, and similar things like these could cause a rather quick demise with everybody getting what ever they can from the Corporation's supply money tied up in various stocks, buildings and liquidatable assets.
Lets face it these guys on the Governing Body arn't very bright in fact they are delusional to beleive all the horse shit they cause to be put in print, IOWs they are wackos. Take Anthony Morris the Wacko doodle doo 3rd, nough said, I reast my case! Take a look at anyone on of his starring videos on the internet and think: Can these guys keep this scam going for another 20 years??? Nah they were scrapping the bottom of the JW indoctrinated barrel when these guys got picked. These guys arn't in any way intelligent of wise CEOs they will drive it into the ground I tell ya they are that stupid.
Cold Steel,
As a self appointed member of the new GB I suppose that makes you enlightened on all things scripture. You have special knowledge and direct access to the big girl in the sky. Thanks for letting us know where we can all go when we want real prophecy and truth. Have you cleared the new King of the North stuff with Mr. Van Impe and Drexela?
I see you are also a (self) acknowledged expert on climatology. Ninety seven percent of the climatologists on the planet believe, based on their science which they have studied for decades, that the climate is changing and man is contributing. Please contact them all and tell them the real truth, that its volcanoes. They will appreciate it.
So you have scripture, prophecy and cimate covered. Are there any other topics for which you are a (self-appointed) expert? It will save us all a lot of time and energy knowing where to turn.