adjusted knowledge: Now with the blessing of this article she sees how this was all her fault.
This actually is one of the WT leadership's best tools of manipulation: No matter what you do, it's never enough and/or wrong.
by HeyThere 122 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
adjusted knowledge: Now with the blessing of this article she sees how this was all her fault.
This actually is one of the WT leadership's best tools of manipulation: No matter what you do, it's never enough and/or wrong.
DOT: Nobody else seemed to want to even look for what they were possibly basing the wild assertions on
If WT's claims are so credible then why not just cite their source? The fact that they don't tells me they know if they did it would undermine their position. If WT won't even provide source material why waste your time researching the "possiblies" ?
"Wild_Thingposteda day ago(6/22/2014)
Marking in case someone finds a link to the these supposed "studies". "
This person's post motivated me. Also, I thought that it may be of interest to try and find a source. Don't worry, I won't be wasting another second of my time or yours trying to be helpful.
Back on topic..
Excellent reasoning from Oubliette.
This is so ridiculous and exposes the idiocy of the WT Society leaders and writing commitee . I agree with Breakfast of Champions take, " reports from various countries indicate ..... " . Oh really ? WHOSE reports ? The WT Society's own private reports or surveys of which you'll never see the details ? Certainly not a government or scientific survey as Breakfast stated.
And also- working away from home causes " incest " ? Maybe that's true for WT or Bethel speakers who have to travel worldwide because they won't have easy access to abusing children when they are on the road away from Bethel or their home congregations- but for most NORMAL human beings working away from home does NOT cause normal functional adults to commit incest. This information is so stupid it goes without even saying
The GB MUST create fear and paranoia about simple things like finding work to support your family, having non-cult friends, planning for the future etc.. Can you imagine the situation in congregations where there are those who attend who are working locally and have left their families? Can you imagine the suspicion cast over them now, the guilt they feel trying to help their families out? The looks they will get from the self-righteous JWs? Now the gossip will be that Brother immigrant is a gay, incestuous cheater, when all the poor man did was try to help his family out.
They make it seem like wanting to improve your families well being and security is selfish. Instead you should struggle, face depravation and "wait on Jehovah" he will make it all better.
The comments at the KH are even more extreme than the actual material. Planning for retirement, saving money, working 2 jobs if neccesary, or missing and I quote "one or two meetings" was condemned. The material in the WT and the air at the KH is literally toxic for those taking it in.
One more thing is that if you look, in every talk, WT article and so on, you can see the BITE method on full display replete with various logical fallacies, mainly Sweeping Generalizations, Ad Hominem, Straw man, red herrings.
Also there is a healthy helpig of fear of the outside world, fear of everything non-JW, and hate and guilt. The manipulation and fear becomes more clear every time I go to the KH.
"Selma took a job away from home. Steve became a homosexual as a result and their children got involved in incest. Upon her return home several weeks later, Steve beat Selma within an inch of her life*. After speaking with an older sister from her hospital bed, Selma came to realize it was all her fault and she actually deserved the beating Steve gave her. The older sister alluded to "some reports" to help Selma see the error of her ways."
* being that there were not two witnesses to the beating, Steve remains an elder to this day. Selma "evidently" just fell down the stairs...again.
As usual, funny insightful stuff. Thanks. DOT, Shirley is right. If the Dark Lords had ANY real, empirical data to support their papal-like edicts, they would source them. They don't and won't. They would rather rely on their own delusional, narcissistic authority, as it is more effective at controlling the sheeple.
I will say this again (and if any lurkers are on the Borg's writing committee I am feeling your pain): those developing and writing these articles have months to write very good, well researched and helpful articles. That they continue to read like comic books and be devoid of any empirically supported data suggests that: a. the writers are morons (which I doubt); b. the writers have had their hands smacked by the GB - or their words changed - so many times that they are now Pavlov's dogs (think Ray Franz) (which is likely); c. a combination of a and b.
The foitnote Should have read:
"reports are being heard from many countries that there is an increase in fear, obsession, guilt and BITE control as a result of slanderous mistruths and accusations being heaped apon the hardworking general average witness by the Governing Body writers. Anyone doubting is just a homosexual, incestuos, freak in tight pants"
The JWs who do commit adultery and experiment with the same sex (I wont include the incest for obvious reasons) are probably doing it because they got married to the wrong person at age 17 and are fustrated and have never found themselves, and as for the homosexual stuff, this is what happens when you tell a gay man to find a pretty sister and pray the gay away.. Guess what? When he travels, he will likely succumb to his true sexuality. Should his wife find out, she will be devastated and think she was not "pretty enough" or "good enough" for him when in reality she is a victim of the JW advice for homosexual men to marry and it will all go away..
I literally blame this cult and hold them responsible in one way or another for either creatig most stresses and problems in JWs lives, or magnifying them and making them far far worse.