I am not 100% sure about atheism.
But I am 100% sure that the description of god that exists in the bible is atrocious, and he is not someone I would welcome into my home for dinner, let alone worship and devote my life to.
by minimus 89 Replies latest jw friends
I am not 100% sure about atheism.
But I am 100% sure that the description of god that exists in the bible is atrocious, and he is not someone I would welcome into my home for dinner, let alone worship and devote my life to.
very intersting responses!
You left out - "Don't give a flying fuck". That would be me.
The God of the OT is a dick and a sadist.
The God of the NT is a crazy person.
I care for neither, and could give one full shit if he exists. Fuck him...or not. I really don't care anymore.
I know Jehovah exists because He answers my prayers. He even answered a vague prayer in which I couldn't really describe what I needed. He answered it with an actual physical object that has become my most precious possession. (Think of Cinderella and her glass slipper)
I don't believe in the "supernatural".
That said, I think it is the height of hubris and conceit to think that we have even approached a full understanding of how "nature" works.
I think that there are things in this universe which we would call "supernatural" from our 21st century perspective that, centuries from now, will seem mundane.
Much as a 15th century time traveler would call cell phones, airplanes, and television "supernatural".
I do not dismiss all accounts of "woo" as absolutely fraudulent or hallucinations. I think in many cases, something "weird" really does occur - we just don't understand the how & why....yet.
I have a gut feeling, an intuition, that there are beings of an as-yet unobservable plane that occasionally interact with us. They are not omniscient, omnipresent, or omnipotent, but to a bronze age goatherd, they certainly may have appeared that way. Heck, if they appeared tomorrow, they may appear that way to us now.
That is where I am now. All of this is subject to change as new evidence, thoughts, or ideas occur to me.
Oh yeah, edited to add....
Quite sure that Watchtower's version of "Jehovah" is non-existant.
Not sure but leaning slightly more towards his existence. I am however 100% convinced that the WT (FD&S) has it completely wrong.
I don't believe in the god of the bible or most gods of the world. As such I can say i'm and Athiest. However as to a Panthiestic view I am not sure. I don't think a god created life here and even if one did create it they surley did not guide it into frail humanity.
On a scale of 1-7 (Dawkins scale) 7 being absolutely sure these is not God and 1 saysing he exists for sure I would be a 5. (Dawkins rates himself a 6)
I am however spiritual as I do believe in Cosmic Balance and Visions of the future etc .
I believe that "Jehovah" is actually a very strong and bully-type devil that has set himself up to be worshipped. And buddy, don't think he hasn't made it work. That's whom Jehovah's Witness worship, they thank him for their food, they ask for his protection, they ask him to guide their life, on and on. I did the same, and now I realize I was asking a demon-god for all this.
I decided a long time ago to lead an evidence based life. It seems to me that to trust that something is true with no satisfactory evidence is very, very silly.
It also opens the door for any charlatan to lead you along by the nose as he wants, more fool you.
I wasted 58 years of my life believing in nonsense, I want a life well lived now, not one based upon delusion and fantasy.
There is no satisfactory evidence for god or for a supreme being, or at present for beings more elevated than ourselves, though no doubt such exist elswhere in the Universe. We cannot be the only intelligent life to have come in to existence.
But, gods, fairies, demons, jinns, an honest car slaesman, all are fantasy.
phizzy, I do not trust the USED car salesmen, the ones that peddle the used, flawed, worn out religions/ gods of the past, but:
there must be a car manufacturer somewhere in the past. that made the self-repairing, self-reproducing car with the expiration date to get them off the road.