There're more "godless" here than not.
Yes, which is not representative of the general population at all when you look at survey results.
by minimus 89 Replies latest jw friends
There're more "godless" here than not.
Yes, which is not representative of the general population at all when you look at survey results.
Atheist here.
I lean closer to an agnostic. Just not sure.... there is 'something'.... but is it the JW's version of God? No.
I used to consider myself a Christian after I be candid, I believe I have changed. After much study of the Bible... it's just a book of mostly ripped off stories, legends and concepts from throughout cultures/history.
If there is a god that has the power to stop the misery much of humanity suffers under and he isn't doing it???
He isn't worth worshiping.
I believe, though not in the exclusive god of the Bible.
I don't believe in gods of any variation, since they were derived out of human ignorance.
Until some tangible evidence comes forward to show the possibility of a god or super natural force then I will remain an atheist/humanist.
we have not been on the planet long enough to understand a tenth of whats going on.
all i know is its amazing.
so I plan to try my best to live well, love people and love the planet.
if there is a Almighty being, i hope he has mercy on me if I ever have the need.
Sowhatnow, what an honest, gentle comment.
My thoughts: Well maybe there is "GOD", mayber there isn't. Who really knows, who cares, who "gives a spit?". I mean, think about it for a minute. For those who speak and understand the English language, write down the word "GOD" on a piece of paper, and look at it for 5 minutes or so. Now, ask yourself, What is it? It's just a word, and a word in the English language, a collecition of letters in the English language, that substitutes for, or represents, a concept, an idea. A concept or idea, in your own mind. That's all. It's just a word that represents an idea. A concept. Some peole believe that "god" is a mighty, all-powerful spirit. Some people think that "god" is a flying spaghetti monster, or an invisible pink unicorn. Some people pereceive "god" to be a man in the sky with a long, flowing beard. Other people believe that the whole entire visible Universe is "god" (Pantheists) So, I believe that "god" is whatever YOU think that he, or she or it, is. Nothing more, nothing less. There. I've stated it. Best Wishes to all.
How can we be certain of anything, we proved we are not the smartest humans in this world, can we really trust anything our brain is telling us? I kinda understand how angry we can be once we learned we followed a Cult. To jump to the other side of the equation and claim with a 100% certainty that "God" or "gods do not exist" is doing exactly what we did as a JW. Richard Dawkins and many other well known scientist understand you commit the biggest logical error by claiming "I know with 100% certainity God, gods do not exist" because this implies you know everything there is to know about the Universe and other Realms that might exist outside Space and Time. This would make us a transcedent being, right?
We were throughly deceived by false teachers, how come our brains did not warn us early on? I am not talking about a kid, once we became young adults how did we miss all the red flags? Honestly, if you read the Bible alone without all the Freddy Franz Scripture twisting, your outlook would be no where near a follower of the Watchtower. I still can't believe I was tricked this long, so many warnings signs I ignored, can we trust anything our brains think of?
I do believe in God and for what ever reasons he is not removing bad things, his reasons must be good.
He told the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, that he preferred to call himself an agnostic rather than an atheist.
The two men were taking part in a public “dialogue” at Oxford University at the end of a week which has seen bitter debate about the role of religion in public life in Britain."
Initially atheist but recently coming under the sneaking suspicion I may actually be divinity myself at least if my wife is to be believed by what she calls me during evening activities.