Poll--How Many Believe In God, Do Not Believe or Are Not Sure Of His Existence?

by minimus 89 Replies latest jw friends

  • cofty

    there is no way this world is just random biology.

    Of course it isn't just random biology. Natural selection is a powerful force for organisation and complexity.

    No intelligence or purpose required.

    Gardens, babies, fresh air, varities of weather, LOVE, ...so many things let me know there is a reason for it all.

    Deadly toxic plants and animals, predation, parsites, viruses, tsunamis, earthquakes, genetic deformities, childhood cancer, so many things let me know there is no reason for it all.

    Life is awesome and awful in equal measure.

  • ablebodiedman

    I absolutely 100% believe in God, Jesus Christ and everything recorded in the bible.

    The reason why is because of the overwhelming amount of evidence.

    There is so much evidence that it has taken me years to examine what has cemented my own convictions.

    The overwhelming amount of evidence should drive any thought of scepticism well beyond any reasonable limits.

    Everything Jesus Christ said would happen, is really happening!

    There is lots more after that!


    You could just remain wilfully ignorant.


  • cofty

    Abe - While attempting to listen to some of your sermon I was given a glimpse of eternity.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Minimus: Tel you what, if I'm in a life and death situation, I will still pray to God to help me out. And I have no problem with that.

    I will try to come up with a better solution to my life or death situation. Praying could waste valuable time and would yield no result.
    If time is not an issue, say with cancer or something, I see little harm in such practices.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Of course it isn't just random biology. Natural selection is a powerful force for organisation and complexity.

    No intelligence or purpose required.

    I should have said random forces. At the beginning of a godless existence, everything would have been random, without any guide or purpose. I disagee about intelligence being needless to get us to the world we have today. On the contrary, with the complexity involved and the organization you're speaking of, it's simplistic to think this happened only through random circumstance and/or natural selection.

    Deadly toxic plants and animals, predation, parsites, viruses, tsunamis, earthquakes, genetic deformities, childhood cancer, so many things let me know there is no reason for it all.

    Life is awesome and awful in equal measure.

    You quoted part of what I said. The high lighted part is what you left out.

    I can't answer all the questions for the things that are messed up about it, but I can sure appreciate the things that are perfectly right about it. Gardens, babies, fresh air, varities of weather, LOVE, ...so many things let me know there is a reason for it all.

    If I build a wall and over the years, nature's tools: wind, temperture and rain cause it to break down, it doesn't mean I didn't build the wall. Good things happen and bad things happen, that's been my experience during my life. It doesn't mean I didn't have parents or my life didn't have purpose. So we have: "Deadly toxic plants and animals, predation, parsites, viruses, tsunamis, earthquakes, genetic deformities, childhood cancer," your list, which is by no means exhaustive. Those things don't mean there is no purpose or reason for the good and the bad in the universe. We don't understand everything about our existence. That's all the bad things prove.

    I believe you said you're 100 % certain there is no god. I respect that is the conclusion you've come to. I'm not here to change your mind. I have a different conclusion from you. I'm not going to apologize or quake in fear of being insulted by you. My dad was one of the most intelligent men anyone could meet. He had a rarely high IQ. He was a man of science. He was an oceanographer. He was not an atheist. He was not a Christian. He was an evolutionist. He told us that through all he had studied and seen in nature, he was convinced of intelligent purpose behind everything. His maternal grandfather was Native American. Dad spoke of The Great Spirit and its hand in things. Science was his love, fascination and career. He did not conclude there is no god, because of things that don't go the way we all think they should.

    Do I think you have to agree with my dad? No. You don't. Several atheists I know say that they don't feel anything up there. Each has his personal list of reasons why he/she doesn't believe there is a god or gods. That is absolutely cool with me. Viva la difference.

  • OneGenTwoGroups

    I'm too old for imaginary friends.

    Gotta love me some people that are JWs then "wake-up" to discover the real Jesus. Beam me up Scotty.

  • OneGenTwoGroups

    And BTW, I lay the blame of the actions of JWs and Westboro Baptists and other such Christian fundamentalist groups square at the feet of liberal Christians.

  • Hairtrigger

    So far science has identified four super clusters of galaxies comprising about 4% of the universe. While we haven't even begun to scratch the tip of the iceberg in info. and knowledge, concerning our solar system. Haven't we wasted thousands of years playing -what is essentially_ guessing games concerning dieties,entities and superman? And gotten what? Lets stick to the realities of the physical world where science is breaking ground everyday. Making our lives better. Ekeing out answers to what was considered unanswerable a few centuries ago, or even a few decades for that matter. In fact, science is the only"god" that has answered , is answering and will answer human questions. Shouldn't humans consider science god ? By extention Worship science?? I put my money on a god called science- math, physics, chemistry etc. Infallible, omnipotent, caring for man at every turn. Curing him, ensuring a long and healthy life, making hin rich, intellectually , physically and emotionally. All the things humans pray for. Well - why the heck not?

    Did that answer the Q.

  • cofty

    I'm not going to apologize or quake in fear of being insulted by you. - FHN

    Please stop saying things like that. I never insult people. Believers insult me frequently, I always respond by dealing with the facts and attacking lazy and superstitous thinking. I don't attack people.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Please stop saying things like that. I never insult people.

    I don't feel the need to harp on it, but yes, you frequently insult people. You're pretty arrogant about it, too. That said, I think about you sometimes, after I read some of your posts. There is a lot of anger and pain still left in you and it often shows. I'm not without empathy for you, though. We all came out of an abusive cult. I know you have challenges with serious, threatening health problems. I've seen your kinder side, too. I try to look at you holistically, rather than focusing on the negative things you post.


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