Sparrowdown, ever since I can remember the Kingdom Hall Elders were never concerned with certain JWs who left the Hall never to be seen again. While those Witnesses took off (best thing that ever happened to them), we had people calling on a Inactive Witnesses, wife beater, drunk and thief, the 340lb Elder I spoke of would call on this guy four times a week! When he was Pioneering or needed RVs for the Circuit Overseer, he was there twice a day! You could smell the booze on his breath at 8:00 AM, since 1994 Fat Albert Elder has called on Wife-Beater-Crook, twenty hours of Field Service a month on one man.
This drunk never attended the Memorial or meetings since 1989, why is time squandered on drunks while they allow people who tried to walk out the door and never be seen again? This is what the Watchtower proudly calls "Shepherding the Flock", what a waste of time we spent talking to people like him.