Scare tactics and manipulation in the Nov 2014 Watchtower . Low down dirty rotten charlatans

by Watchtower-Free 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • skeeter1

    Honestly, my JW mother, father, and grandmother ALL lived in absolute fear as JWs their entire lives. It has led to emotional issues and prescription drug addictions (Xanax) . . . they blame the world. They don't see the WTS as whoopping up the fear.

    40s (war & Witness prosecution)

    50s (rock & roll & cold war & bomb)

    60s (hippies, cold war, bomb, sex, birth control, abortion, Rolling Stones, and Cuban missile crisis),

    70s (divorce rates, rioting)

    80s (materialism, cold war, AIDS)

    90s (Gulf War)

    Y2k (they stockpiled food, barrels of wheat, barrels of water, and hoarded money)

    and 2000's (9/11 and war on Islam)

    and 2014 . . .

    The WTS has been installing fear of the outside world for decades.

  • thedepressedsoul

    skeet: That's the problem, there will always be something. & when there is dry periods without big world events, they start to do stuff like this to add fear when fear is not currently there. I don't know how they don't consider themselves "Dooms Day Preachers".

  • skeeter1

    I could have my children be absolutely afraid! Young and feeble minds are easy to scare. If I yell "Boo" or tell them there are "monsters under the bed", or "ghosts in the hallway", they'd be absolutely histerical AND THEY WOULD CLING ON MY ARMS. Even my older one watching Shark Week, doesn't want to go to the beach this weekend. Despite the fact that shark attacks are very rare. She had to sleep with me last night.

    That's exactly what the WTS does when it fearmongers. I bet you donations, attendance, and preaching will go up now. Religion was meant to control the masses, and fear is how how most religions do it. The WTS and hard-core Islam do it best.

  • donuthole

    This image really brought back some bad memories of being a child and exposed to fearmongering about the great tribuation. I can remember being afraid that one day the GT would break out and I could be seperated from my family and placed in a concentration where I could be killed for standing up for my faith. I know my parents were trying to prepare me for what they themselves feared, but that is some horrific mental abuse for a child. Now I see the picture in mind placed in a magazine that will be viewed and studied by children. This is the stuff of nightmares and it makes me sick.

    A few thoughts from myself and other places on the Web:

    Having the creepy girl look away from the group breaks the fourth wall, to place the viewer subconsciously in the basement. As you look through the literature you'll see this technique used often.

    Bibles are closed as the elder reads a letter that is positioned to show that is from headquarters. This enforces the idea that the only way out of this frightening scenario is by looking to the Governing Body for salvation.

    There are disaster preperations stockpiled in the basement. After Hurrican Katrina Watchtower headquarters told the JW's to start keeping some diaster supplies on hand. I scoffed at some that were taking what appeared to be sound life advice and turning into proof of the nearness of the end. Now I wonder if that was the intent all along by the GB.

  • skeeter1

    "some horrific mental abuse for a child."

    Ditto on Donuthole's post.

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    Oh Boy the 1960's all over again. Im with you donuthole. All those nightmares I went through as a child over all this crap. Which sometimes make me think was it the elder who abused me or all the Jehovah is killing everyone that caused my PTSD. I remember the older ones back then seem soo happy about all this and all I could do was seat there and listen to all this abuse. When I think of the Wt. as a cult it is the children that take the biggest brunt of this propaganda crap. I hope all JW parents will lose alot of sleep getting up during the night consoling their poor childrens nightmares and maybe help those parents to think there is something wrong about all this. I feel for all those young children. Still Totally ADD

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    "The brothers told me the New System is so close, with the Middle East happening,

    Yeah, because unrest in the Middle East is such a recent occurrence

  • passwordprotected

    Woah, hold on there. That looks a little too much like a congregation book study group. Weren't these outlawed?

  • prologos

    I am trying to figure out what the wt thinks the imminent danger is for those pictured. A bomb shelter with a wooden ceiling? The boy on the staircase looks realisticly placed. We kids in the 1940s were always up the stairs to watch the searchlights and the flack fireworks.

    It can't be for a flood, like in a hurrycane, they could be in danger of drowning, can't be fire, they will be asphiciated, perhaps it is symbolic, JW ORKS will go underground.

  • Apognophos

    I don't think there's an imminent danger besides discovery. The idea is supposed to be that the religion has been outlawed, right? They covered this same subject in a drama in the last few years.

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