Scare tactics and manipulation in the Nov 2014 Watchtower . Low down dirty rotten charlatans

by Watchtower-Free 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Balaamsass2

    Elmer Gantry. Never changes. Hell Fire and Armagedon.

  • label licker
    label licker

    It's really sad these people don't read their bibles. It's not going to be a war in the middle east that brings on the great tribulation but god himself! It's not an organisation that we have to stay close to that will take us through harmegeddon since the bible states all will have an individual accounting with god.What it does say is when you see all these things start to take place, stand still and lift your heads for your deliverence is near. The jw's have no faith in god or his son or else they wouldn't be reading these disgusting rags. The put their faith in men instead of just god alone.

    It's pretty sad for the longest time I use to hear them tell us to go to your local hall and wait it out there and now they show these pictures of hiding out in a bunker or basement. Such little faith these men have.

  • 4thgen

    Where are the i-pads? No internet - ekkkkkkkkkkkkk!

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