jnat, he was nasty when he lost his weight the first ten times, he hated being around fat people even though his entire family suffers from obesity. His harshness and brutal comments made many lowly people cry, I heard him tell others asking for advice "Why don't you get your jaw wired shut?" or "you need to have self control and exercise", he did not excercise one bit, all his weight loss was from weight loss drugs and once he quit, the weight came right back. He use to tell other Witnesses impressed with his success, "I walk ten miles a day", bullshit! That asshole has problems walking around the corner without getting scared he's having a heart-attack or claims his back is too bad to walk".
How do I know his weight, he wanted wanted to learn how to excersise, he insisted I get on the scale at the gym. I said "if you do, I will." He climbed up on the scale, he weighed 340lbs, I hit 285lb, that's how I know. People are strange, first thing he wanted to do was bench press, he puts on three forty-five lb plates on each side of the bar and get's stuck. Maybe in High School when he played football or when he was in his twenties he could bench 315. The fact is I almost blew my back out trying to pull the dam bar off his chest because he was so out of touch with his body and what he was capable of doing. I think he quit the gym because his muscles were sore the next day and the pain was too much.
His weight training lasted one week, I warned him not to buy a year's membership but he could not justify paying $65 a month when a year's membership costed $300.00. Gym owners know people don't like to pay $10 a day or $65 a month when it's so much cheaper to pay $300, why thats half price!
We have a large number of JWs who claim they were exposed to the Ebsten-Barr Virus and that's why they have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, some blame their lack of energy on the Swine Flu Vaccination. We have lots of issues with our brothers and sisters, CFS, GAD, Thyroid, MS, Lupus, IBS, Chrone's Disease, use of opiods and benzos.
DNCMS and others have attested to what I said, people claim you are robbing from Jehovah or Theocratic activities if you are taking care of your body. Have you heard brothers and sisters who work out and are really built get accused of self-idolatry? The Friends have enough problems, why kill something they enjoy and makes them healthy? I think people get jealous they don't have the will power to work out like other JWs and Ex JWs that had to work hard, endure lots of muscle pain, lactic acid build ups to get in shape.
Ok, we had a Lifer Ministerial Servant because the CO accused him of the Adonis Complex. C.O. had no problem spending a few days each week playing golf on the brothers dime, yet he kept a brother who knew the Bible a Minsterial Servant and that label has stuck to this day, that's brother Adonis!