Why Do Witnesses Promote A Unhealthy Lifestyle, My COBE weighs 340lbs (5ft 7in).

by BucketShopBill 58 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • venting

    I agree completly. They do not promote a healthy life. I don't want to be unkind to people who have a weight problem. Some people can't help it its in their genes. I was over weight for most of my adult life. About 25lbs. Now I have type 2 diabetes. I don't think they would ever come out with a wachtower on over eating. I know some who are over a 100lbs over and they go to all you can eat buffets. I won't judge them, it's there body. But I think it might not be scriptural. But like I said, some can't help it, some can. venting.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    I watched people who were great athletes turn all their muscle in to fat

    Not to be picky, but muscle doesn't turn into fat. They are two distinct tissues and one cannot magically morph into another.

    NAVYTOWN: the Witnesses don't worry about their health now, because they think all will be corrected in Paradise.

    This is the core of the issue. It's the same mentality that keeps a JW from getting an education, having a career, planning for retirement, not having children, etc: The "New System" is coming anyday now, so taking care of their health is a waste of time.

    I've been health conscious since I was a young teenager- I eat very healthy, workout everyday, etc. I have always been criticized by JWs for doing this for a couple of reasons:

    1) time spent in the gym is time stolen from Jehovahâ„¢. Therefore, working out is selfish,

    2) "Paradise" is right around the corner, no need to take care of my body, god will intervene soon. I won't live long enough to have any age-related (or poor lifestyle-related) health problems.

    Well, guess what? The nearness of Armageddon, so no need to worry about it, when I began working out as a teenager was 33 years ago!

  • Stealth

    I used to get a lot of crap for working out and taking care of myself.

    "Body training is beneficial for little but spiritual training is beneficial for much" blah blah blah

    I have also noticed that many elders dring like fish.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    I have also noticed that many elders drink like fish

    It's to numb the pain of being obese, broke and hopeless.

  • diana netherton
    diana netherton

    I had noticed when I went to my JW grandmother's funeral that there were a lot of overweight people. However, saying that, I don't think the ratio is any more higher than the general public. But I've always wondered why they came down so hard on smoking. Obesity is a killer as well. The amount of people on blood pressure medicine because of extra weight has skyrocketed. I am not unsympathetic. I have battled my weight since I was a teenager (a chubby JW kid.) When I got into my mid-20s after the birth of my son, I decided to take a healthier path. I still battle it...it takes a lot of discipline, especially here in the states where food is so abundant and portion sizes are massive. But overeating can be a sign of depression, and I can understand why the average JW would want to stuff their faces....

  • NewYork44M

    There is something wrong with a group where the skinny guy is 340 lbs.

    COBE weighs 340lbs, he's super hateful towards sisters who are overweight and even make's fun of people fatter than him.

  • Legacy


    The Society leaves you nothing else that you can do. You can't do this or that, mostly every illustration is about a meal...so what else can bring comfort, food...You can't question anything, so you stuff food in your mouth to keep from saying.."Hey, that's not what the bible is saying"...they drive everywhere. You would think the amount of walking in street witnessing & door to door they do out in the open air, they would be healthier than most...Most of the sisters have ankles the size of elephants...Most of the sisters always talking about their weight but when they go to a gathering, they put alot of food on their plates & bring tupperware for later....orally fixated, I say. When I go out in service, all they say, I'm hungry....When we start to go out in service, their is always one sister that says...do you mind, I need to go get some coffee & donut....we go & they take up all the time out in the field drinking coffee & eating donuts....then when we finally do go out in service, now they are tired....I try to eat before I go out in service...I'm good until about 3 or 4. I'm older so I try to watch my weight....if any on here are over 60, you know, weight just comes on, without eating...The friends think I'm finicky, but it's not that, I like to look nice in my clothes...then they sister, you have a nice shape....I thank them & say, in my head that is...You can too, if you push away from the table...If any of you went to this years convention, the amount of friends that were overweight was amazing, & some were disabled as well...Everybody can't be slim & trim, but to eat so much, you can't even see your feet. At the convention it was hot & humid, so some of the friends were just passing out all over the place.

    Eating takes the place of so many things....sex, a big mouth, shunning....etc....It's just plain frustration....but they would never admit that.

    So to answer the question Why do witnesses promote a unhealthy lifestyle, because they control all aspects of the congregations lifestyle.


  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Since JWs can't have orgies or smoke crack and most normal human outlets are on the WT's "sin" list...an all-you-can-eat buffet is all they have left.

  • Apognophos

    I'm just trying to figure out how BSB knows his COBE's weight. He must be really good at the carnival game where you guess the weight of the turkey.

  • bigmac

    if armageddon doesnt come soon---they will explode

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