Why Do Witnesses Promote A Unhealthy Lifestyle, My COBE weighs 340lbs (5ft 7in).

by BucketShopBill 58 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LogCon

    Witnesses do not promote an unhealthy lifestyle


    they DO NOT promote healthy lifestyles. Without motivation to live a healthy life and with all the marketing propaganda targeting weak willed people, pushing them to eat the fast JUNK FOOD, the easy way is to just give in and put your hope in the New System. If elders starting excercising and getting in shape, which would be a good example to the congregation, there would be far more negative comments than positive.

    Imagine an elder starting to get in shape and show some definition, muscles starting to pop out of his short sleeve shirt, walking with a spring in his step that leaves everyone else in the dust. How many congregations could or would tolerate such conduct without murmurings and talk of worldly influence, whereas all the poor sap wants to do is feel better about himself and get rid of his aches and pains.

  • jgnat

    I have struggled with my weight. This past winter I have lost 60 pounds with the help of an entire team of specialists. Though it is a lot of hard work and persistence to shed this sort of weight, it does not follow that overweight people lack discipline, are lazy or are gluttons. This CO is in denial.

  • BucketShopBill

    So back to one of the original ideas of the thread, do you think people should listen to a 340 lb Elder riding on scooter, someone so fat he has to sit on a chair to give a public talk? Do they have any business proclaiming "Watch Out!" and "Were so close to a Paradise Earth where everyone will have lots of Good food, nobody will be starving" apparently he's not starving, needs to find another approach to preach, the "lots of good food line" might work with a starving Somalian? Why listen to a group of sick peope, looking at their bodies it's obvious they are suffering from depression and have no business judging other people's views. Why would someone who is healthy both physically and mentally wish to involved themselves with a group sick fat people telling them "your doing everything wrong and if you don't change, you will die at Doomsday!" They have no right telling productive healthy citizens "We have the answers to all your problems" if a person is using logic, they would look at who is talking to them and ask "if the Watchtower and JW.ORG have all the answers, why are you so screwed up?' JWs use to be so tactless, maybe it's time to give them a taste of their own medicine.

    What business do messed up Cult followers have coming to the doors of sucessful people trying to ruin their mental and physical health with their Cult? If "the Message is in the messanger", would you invite someone coughing and spitting up blood in your house if there is a Ebola outbreak taking place? JWs have a history of sickly doctrines, broken families and relying off the Government because they did not plan for their future, the Watchtower is in charge of their minds. The rank-and-file are the output of the Governing Body, they are the proverbial "Canary in the Coal Mine" and their not looking so good! The fact is that most JWs don't care about their bodies and attack smart members who give a dam about their health. Also, I noticed in the last decade there are many who are too lazy to prepare fresh foods, they are too busy doing nothing, popping pills and eating processed foods because "Jesus said not to spend to much time on food preparation unless your CO has special diet needs!"

    Our food supply is making us sick, it's been traced since the introduction of corn-syrup in everything, we have slowly been packing on weight with each new generation and scientist say this generation of kids is going to be the most unhealthy ever. The COBE is a sick person, he use to love to talk dirty to women in the car group, his wife never had the courage to stop his perverted mouth!

  • kaik

    We used to have an elder who was body builder and than turned into bolding, expanding blob with own graviational pull. Other elder was about 5.8" and was well over 300 pounds by age 30. Generally lack of health concern among JW is profound as they believe that New world will fix everything. Many of them dying too young from cancer and other diseases that could be preventible or treatable. In my old KH in Czech Republic significant portion of women died around age 50 from various cancer diseases leaving children behind. There is a huge difference when you see Sunday mass in local catholic village church where you see dozen or so old women past 85, while in KH they barely made it to 65. I do not think any elders or male in my old KH made past 75.

  • piztjw

    Because they hold to this scripture:

    (1 Timothy 4:8) 8 For bodily training is beneficial for...little; but godly Governing Body devotion is beneficial for all things. . .

    So of course in true dub manner they refuse to spend time being healthy, when they can load up on doughnuts and soda pop at break, sit on the a55es in the vehicle riding around between RV's, sit and eat snacks and drink sugar loaded juice at "Bible" studies, and on and on.

    Of course an unhealthy lifestyle is promoted. After all if WHEN you die you are indoctrinated to believe you will have a healthy body in the next life.

  • dynamiterose77

    I didn't read every comment because after a few I remembered some things and just started laughing.

    A. Whenever we were out in service, I mean EVERY SINGLE TIME, everyone eventually started talking about food.

    B. Every service trip involved a trip through the McDonalds drive through at some point... or donuts.

    C. No one ever walked at a pace that would burn more than a calorie. It is what I call "The Witness Shuffle". People rarely pick up their feet.

    D. There was an elder and his family that were straight up obese, they made a point to have an ice cream cone every day. They baby sat us once, at their house, they wouldn't allow TV but they sat around eating every scrap of crispy fat from the bottom of the baking dish from dinner.

    E. The people that did go to the gym all "fell away" or were disfellowshipped at some point...

    I never even bothered to think of any of this...

  • Apognophos

    I never thought about this either. It seems that BSB has really touched on an interesting subject.

  • NewYork44M

    When a person gives up on life and relies on a cult to define the future the only thing left is sex and food... Sorry about that, the only thing left is food. No sex for you.... Food and alcohol is the only thing to give any joy. Both of which have a high caloric content and no sex to burn the calories.

    When I was "in" I drank in excess, food was not the problem, just alcohol and it was clearly in excess.

    I still enjoy a glass of wine ( or two or three), but my current intake is nothing to compare with my watchtower days. Ah, the good old days...

  • Quarterback

    Fat Bastard...."Get in me belly"

  • NewYork44M

    All will be rectified in the new order, so it does not matter what we weigh prior to the great tribualation. Perhaps the excess fat will be a blessing when we are in a concentration camp with no food.

    so, maybe this is god's way of preparing us for the trouble just ahead.

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