Nobody knowns who was the king of the North, but probably during the author time it meant Seleucid empire that was north of Judea. There is no any future message from a writer who is more than 2000 years dead.
The King of the North is getting Angry...
by rhodesboy 81 Replies latest watchtower bible
kaik, so if no one knows who is the KON, then as far as I am concerned the discussion is over. If the original poster is unwilling to state who - the discussion is over.
Religion is like a love affair, for most people its intense, then slowly abates with time. There are so many heartbroken lovers here. The Governing body, your families, spouses, through shunning or worse, broke your heart. I'm more sympathetic with catholicism but have been interested in the three monotheistic faiths for some time now. These too have jaded lovers. The irony of this form is that the many bitter grievances mask a longing to know what will they say next... what will be said in the next talk, the next publication. Sure thing you will criticise, even rip it to shreds - what else is a vengeful lover to do? the irony is that love will always be there, buried deep under broken dreams and bitterness but still there. You come to this forum to know what your old lover is up to, though I wonder if her words ever prove to be true will you run back to her - some of you without a doubt wouldn't hesitate. I've never been a Jehovah's witness, the theology I do find interesting. The vatican is a little more exciting for me and on catholic forums I incite heartbroken lovers to forgive and move on. For
Wait, what? You have never been a Jehovah's Witness, but you come here spouting your own special brand of dogma, then presume to tell people you don't know, how they feel about a religion you don't belong to. That is freaking hilarious.
Forgive me while I laugh. LOL.
Ok, I'm back.
Your rants sound like the lies the Watchtower tells about apostates, that they are bitter, just want to ruin the faith of other, etc. Not true, I left of own free will, no regrets, best decision I ever made. I am not bitter, but I will never go back, my life is much better since leaving, I couldn't go back to the falsehoods and the manipulations of the Watchtower. I feel bad for those still in, but they are too brainwashed to listen to me, so I don't try. If they come here looking for answers, then I am glad to give moral support and whatever answers I have.
roberto avon
Nonsense! Who is north and who is south? Till there was a wall in Berlin we used to say east and west. This is really tipical
JW blablabla but let me participate in this discussion. The king of the south is Islam and the kings of the north are Us and Russia.
I know, also this is hilarious and blablabla, but AT LEAST GEOGRAPHICALLY CORRECT!!!!!!
roberto avon, how about North Korea vs South Korea, a wall, fence there too, and war? only an armistice? at least they have the Compass right. and
while we are at it, how about pinning the 'Babylon the great' label on the youngest of the three Abrahamic faiths that started closest to that fabled city in Irac?
LOL @ BluePill2!
So am I to assume that is a 'No' to my Stephen Harper question then?
Because if the King of the North IS Stephen Harper, I have a grievance with this.
Below is some Speculative Research, I did some time ago (Who knows if any of it is anything more then that - Speculation )
Hitler and Holocaust Prophesied Daniel written between 167 and 164 BCE This prophecy has a dual fulfillment - least a part of Daniel 11 must also be DUAL! And no wonder, for we find the chapter concludes with the "time of the end" (verse 40) - leading up to the resurrection of the saints Daniel 10:14 - " I have come to make you understand what will befall your people in the final part of the days, because it is a vision yet for the days to come.
- The following prophecies are all related to the Jews, not necessarily the whole earth.
- Daniel was shocked and saddened for the future of his People.
- But Michael your prince - See the notes at Daniel 10:13. The patron, or guardian of your people, and of their interests. The idea intended to be conveyed here undoubtedly is, that Michael was a guardian angel for the Jewish people
- Royal Majesty has not been Given. - His Imperial and Royal Majesty William I ( Hitler decided to enter a coalition government as chancellor in January 1933. Upon the death of Hindenburg in August 1934, Hitler was the consensus successor. With an improving economy, Hitler claimed credit and consolidated his position as a dictator, having succeeded in eliminating challenges from other political parties and government institutions.)
- Come in without Warning - The party's rise to power was rapid. Before the economic depression struck, the Nazis were practically unknown, winning only 3 percent of the vote to the Reichstag (German parliament) in elections in 1924. In the 1932 elections, the Nazis won 33 percent of the votes, more than any other party. In January 1933 Hitler was appointed chancellor, the head of the German government, and many Germans believed that they had found a savior for their nation
- Obtain the Kingdom by Flatteries - " Hitler was a powerful and spellbinding speaker who attracted a wide following of Germans desperate for change. He promised the disenchanted a better life and a new and glorious Germany. The Nazis appealed especially to the unemployed, young people, and members of the lower middle class" / Hitler decided to seize power constitutionally rather than by force of arms. Using demagogic oratory, Hitler spoke to scores of mass audiences, calling for the German people to resist the yoke of Jews and Communists, and to create a new empire which would rule the world for 1,000 years . (Demagogic Oratory Demagogic = a political agitator who appeals with crude oratory to the prejudice and passions of the mob Oratory is a type of public speaking.)
- in 1932 and finally appointed Hitler Chancellor in January 1933. In February, he issued the Reichstag Fire Decree, which suspended various civil liberties, and in March he signed the Enabling Act, which gave Hitler 's administration legislative powers. Hindenburg died the following year, after which Hitler declared the office of President vacant and, as " Führer und Reichskanzler", made himself head of state .
- A Blitzkrieg (lightning war) of German tanks and infantry swept through most of Western Europe as nation after nation fell to the German war machine.
- Germany quickly overran much of Europe and was victorious for more than two years by relying on a new military tactic called the "Blitzkrieg" (lightning war).
- This it was not unnatural to compare with an "inundation of waters" spreading over a land. See Isaiah 8:8. Nor was it altogether unnatural to speak of an inundation as having "arms" extending far and near; sweeping everything to itself, or carrying it away. Thus we speak of an arm of the sea, an arm of a river, etc. In this manner the inundation - the invasion - seemed to spread itself out like waters, sweeping all away.
- - the prince of the covenant ??? King of Egypt?
- "With Him" Hitler
- Treaty of Non-aggression between Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics,[a] and also known as the Ribbentrop–Molotov Pact or Nazi–Soviet Pact, was a non-aggression pact signed inMoscow in the late hours of 23 August 1939
- Nazi Germany terminated the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact with its invasion of the Soviet Union at 03:15 on 22 June 1941.[211] Stalin had ignored several warnings that Germany was likely to attack,[212][213][214] and ordered no full-scale mobilization of forces.[215] After the launch of the invasion, the territories gained by the Soviet Union due to the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact were lost in a matter of weeks. Within six months, the Soviet military had suffered 4.3 million casualties[216] and Germany had captured three million Soviet prisoners.[217]
- The imports of Soviet raw materials into Germany over the duration of the countries' economic relationship proved vital to Operation Barbarossa. Without Soviet imports, German stocks would have run out in several key products by October 1941, and Germany would have already run through its stocks of rubber and grain before the first day of the invasion.
- The German forces in Africa developed a renown for their fighting qualities. Many of British whom they fought against were under the impression that it was an elite force, but the Africa Korps was made up of common German soldiers from the Wehrmacht. They had no special training prior to their arrival in Africa beyond what was usually expected.
- German Afrika Korps—commanded by Erwin Rommel—was dispatched to North Africa—during Operation Sonnenblume—to reinforce Italian forces in order to prevent a complete Axis defeat.
- Operation Sonnenblume ("Sunflower") was the deployment of German troops (the Afrika Korps) to North Africa in February 1941, Operation Sonnenblume ("Sunflower") was the deployment of German troops (the Afrika Korps) to North Africa in February 1941, during the Second World War. These troops reinforced the remaining Italian forces in Libya after the Italian 10th Army was destroyed by British attacks during Operation Compass.
- King of the South = Egypt
- In March, German commander Erwin Rommel began his operations with a feinting advance, to test the British defenses; caught off-guard by his aggression and assuming the Germans were stronger than actuality, the Western desert force withdrew to Mersa El Brega. Rommel sensed their unwillingness to fight and pursued them; what began as an initial reconnaissance turned into a full-scale offensive. - Rommel disguised a number of transport vehicles with cardboard to make his armored forces appear larger this, and the dust clouds deliberately raised behind the vehicles, made the Allies believe they were facing a larger attack then they were and they quickly abandoned their positions at Agedabya.
- Hitler & Mussolini
- On 4 April, Benghazi fell, yielding substantial supplies to the Germans.
- And his heart shall be against the holy covenant - The words "holy covenant" are a technical expression to denote the Jewish institutions. The Hebrew people were called the "covenant people," as being a people with whom God had entered into covenant. All their privileges were regarded as the result of that covenant, and hence, the word came to be applied to all the institutions of the nation. When it is said that his heart Was against that covenant, the meaning is, that he was enraged against it; and determined to bring calamity upon the place and people connected with it.
- Verse 29 — the same year, he again invaded Egypt, but with none of his former success, because Philometor, king of the south, got help from Rome.
- Numbers 24:24 - "24 Ships will come from the coast of Kit′tim ,+And they will afflict As·syr′i·a,+ And they will afflict E′ber. But he too will utterly perish.”
- Mediterranean Fleet Other major actions included theBattle of Cape Matapan, and the Battle of Crete. The Fleet had to block Italian and later German reinforcements and supplies for the North African Campaign.
- Verse 30 — the Roman fleet came against Antiochus, he was forced to surrender to the terms of Popillius, commander of the Roman fleet, and retire from Egypt and restore Cyprus to Egypt. Returning through Judea, smarting under the defeat, he vented his exasperation against the Jews, and extended special favors to those Jews who would turn from their religion.
- Exalt himself above every god (Hail Hitler )
- "We believe on this earth in Adolf Hitler alone! We believe in National Socialism as
- the creed which is the sole source of grace! We believe that Almighty God has sent
- us Adolf Hitler so that he may rid Germany of the hypocrites and Pharisees." Robert
- Ley, Head of the German Labour Front (DAF).
- (To be able to destroy many of the Jews as we read in verse this person first must occupy and rule over most of Europe . Therefore we read:" He will invade many countries and sweep through them like a flood.)
- Rumors from the east means most likely that the Japanese troops, that came over land to assist the Germans, at a certain moment turned about and let the German do the fighting alone. When this happens he decides to destroy and annihilate many Jews. To destroy with gas and annihilate by burning millions of Jews.
- (Suicide)
- With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his people. And God himself will be with them.
Calebs Airplane
I have a grievance about not being able to grieve. I'd like my grievance to be read by the poster of this thread but do not wish to hear any grievances from the poster regarding my grievance about not being allowed to grieve.
RB speaks Dub better than Dubs, so it is difficult to believe he isn't/wasn't a Dub. What a controlling, immature narcissist. He comes on this site trying to establish the ground rules for his post, creating a straw man reason to dismiss any who opposed him (our GRIEVANCES with the GB). Geesh, the nerve. The arrogance.
And when we dismissed and disregarded his amazingness and awesomeness, his 'special knowledge' and his very own prophetic and interpretive abilities, he threw the straw man up. RB, if you are reading: we dismissed YOU and your 'special knowledge.' Then we dismissed the bible as irrelevant and un-inspired. Then, when you attacked us, we mocked and ridiculed you some more. Deservedly. None of this has a rip to do with the GB or the Borg.
And note to all others with a similar mission: When you act like you are the new sage, the new visionary, the new prophet, the new GB and the only one with special knowledge, the correct interpretation of all things scripture, and a direct conduit to the big girl in the sky, do you know what we are going to do? We are going to mock and ridicule you. Deservedly so.
This site gets a steady stream of those seeking to wow and amaze us poor ex-Dubs with their special knowledge and scriptural interpretation. WTF??? Am I missing something? I'm still a newbie on this site. Someone fill me in. Is this kinda crap normal?
This is foreboding...
“The Russian Aggression Prevention Act” (RAPA): A Direct Path to Nuclear War with Russia
The Russian Aggression Prevention Act”, introduced to Congress by U.S. Senator Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), will set the US on a path towards direct military conflict with Russia in Ukraine.
Any US-Russian war is likely to quickly escalate into a nuclear war, since neither the US nor Russia would be willing to admit defeat, both have many thousands of nuclear weapons ready for instant use, and both rely upon Counterforce military doctrine that tasks their military, in the event of war, to preemptively destroy the nuclear forces of the enemy.
RAPA provides de facto NATO membership for Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova via RAPA
The Russian Aggression Prevention Act, or RAPA, “Provides major non-NATO ally status for Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova for purposes of the transfer or possible transfer of defense articles or defense services.” Major non-NATO ally status would for practical purposes give NATO membership to these nations, as it would allow the US to move large amounts of military equipment and forces to them without the need for approval of other NATO member states. Thus RAPA would effectively bypass long-standing German opposition to the US request to make Ukraine and Georgia part of NATO.
Germans rightly fear placing US/NATO troops and US Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) in Ukraine, given the profound and long-standing Russian objections against the expansion of NATO (especially to Ukraine and Georgia) along with deployment of European US/NATO BMD. Germany is acutely aware of the distinct possibility that the civil war raging in Ukraine could evolve into a Ukrainian-Russian war. Under such circumstances, deployment of US/NATO forces in Ukraine would make it virtually inevitable they would come into fight with Ukraine against Russia.
RAPA would accelerate the “implementation of phase three of the European Phased Adaptive Approach for Europe-based missile defense . . . by no later than the end of calendar year 2016.” In 2012, Russia’s highest ranking military officer stated that Russia might consider a pre-emptive strike against such BMD deployments “when the situation gets harder.”
RAPA “Directs DOD [US Department of Defense] to assess the capabilities and needs of the Ukrainian armed forces” and “Authorizes the President, upon completion of such assessment, to provide specified military assistance to Ukraine.” RAPA would have the US quickly supply Ukraine with$100 million worth of weapons and equipment, including anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons, crew weapons, grenade launchers, machine guns, ammunition, and Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles.
RAPA requires the Obama administration to
“use all appropriate elements of United States national power…to protect the independence, sovereignty, and territorial and economic integrity of Ukraine and other sovereign nations in Europe and Eurasia from Russian aggression.” This includes “substantially increasing United States and NATO support for the armed forces of the Republics of Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia,” and “substantially increasing the complement of forward-based NATO forces in those states.”
Consequently, RAPA would produce significant buildups of US/NATO forces into Poland and the Baltic States, accelerate the construction of US BMD systems in Eastern Europe, and authorize substantial U.S. intelligence and military aid for Ukrainian military forces that continue to lay siege to the largest cities in Eastern Ukraine. If RAPA did not result in the deployment of US forces to Ukraine, it would certainly position them for rapid deployment there, in the event that the Ukrainian civil war escalates into a Ukrainian-Russian conflict.
RAPA intensifies support for ethnic cleansing in Eastern Ukraine
In Russia, Putin now is under intense domestic political pressure to send Russian forces into Eastern Ukraine , in order to stop the attacks by the Ukrainian military on the cities there, which were once part of the Soviet Union.These attacks have created an absolute humanitarian catastrophe.
On August 5, 2014, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees reported that 740,000 Eastern Ukrainians had fled to Russia. They go there because Russia is close, and because most of the refugees are ethnic Russians, a fact that explains why the Russophobes in Kiev have been quite willing to indiscriminately bombard their cities.
What is taking place in Eastern Ukraine amounts to “ethnic cleansing,” the forced removal of ethnic Russians from Eastern Ukraine. This is a process that is fully supported by the US; RAPA would greatly enhance this support.
Ukrainian military forces have surrounded Donetsk – a city of almost one million people – and have for weeks conducted daily attacks against it using inaccurate multiple-launch rockets, heavy artillery fire, ballistic missiles carrying warheads with up to 1000 pounds of high explosive, and aerial bombardments. Water supplies, power plants, train stations, airports, bridges, highways, and schools have all been targeted, along with the general population. In Lugansk, a city of more than 440,000 people, a humanitarian crisis has been declared by its mayor, because the siege of the city has left it with little medicine, no fuel,intermittent power, and no water since August 3 (three weeks at the time of this writing).
After the separatists of Eastern Ukraine demanded autonomy from Kiev, and then reunion with Russia, the government in Kiev branded them as “terrorists”, and sent its military forces against them in what they euphemistically call an “anti-terrorist operation.” Framing the conflict this way makes it politically acceptable to refuse to negotiate with the separatists, and easier to justify in the US and Europe, which have grown accustomed to “the War on Terrorism.” However, the thousands of Ukrainians being killed and hundreds of thousands of being driven from their homes are just ordinary people, trying to live ordinary lives.
The New York Times reports the Ukrainian military strategy has been to bombard separatist-held cities and then send paramilitary forces to carry out “chaotic, violent assaults” against them. Many of the Ukrainian paramilitary forces were recruited from ultra-nationalist, neo-Nazi political parties; the Azov battalion flies the “Wolfs Hook” flag of Hitler’s SS divisions. Considering that more than 20 million Russians died fighting the Nazis during World War II, the presence of openly Nazi militias attacking ethnic Russians in Ukraine creates extreme anger in Russia.
RAPA supports plans in Kiev for an attack on Crimea
The Russian Aggression Prevention Act demands that Russia “withdraw from the eastern border of Ukraine,” which is by definition, the Russian border. In other words, RAPA provocatively demands that Russia remove its own military forces away from its own borders, while Ukrainian military forces are meanwhile massed on the other side, attacking predominantly Russian cities.
RAPA also demands that “Russian forces must have withdrawn from Crimea within seven days of the enactment of the Act.” Not likely to happen, given that
(1) Crimea was part of the Russian empire from 1783 until 1954,
(2) withdrawal from Crimea would require Russia to abandon its only warm water port at Sevastopol, where Russian forces have been based, by internationally recognized treaty, since 1997, and
(3) more than three-quarters of all Crimeans voted “yes” to reunify with Russia, a vote which Russia accepted by its subsequent annexation of Crimea.
Thus, in the eyes of Russia, the requirement to “withdraw from Crimea” amounts to a US demand that Russia surrender Russian territory. Putin has just taken the entire Russian Duma (the Russian House of Representatives) to Crimea, to address them there and strongly make the point that there will be no withdrawal from Crimea.
RAPA, however, stipulates that the US does not recognize the Russian annexation of Crimea, and creates sanctions and legal penalties for anyone who does. RAPA therefore provides both military and political support for Ukrainian President Poroshenko’s stated goat that Ukraine will retake Crimea.
This goal was recently echoed by the Ukrainian defense minister, who was applauded by the Ukrainian Parliament when he told them that the Ukrainian army will “have a victory parade in Sevastopol“. These statements are taken seriously in Moscow, where they are viewed as a promise to attack Russia. Thus, Putin’s advisers are telling him he must fight today in Eastern Ukraine, or tomorrow in Crimea.
Any Russian military intervention in Eastern Ukraine would certainly be described in the West as Russian aggression in pursuit of empire, which would trigger deafening demands that US/NATO forces act to support Ukraine. Should NATO intervene, subsequent Russian military action against any NATO member would trigger the alliance’s Chapter 5 mutual defense clause, committing it to war with Russia.
Any major Ukrainian attack upon Crimea would make war with Russia inevitable. Ukraine appears to be preparing for such an assault by drafting all men of ages 18 to 60 years, in a forced mobilization of its armed forces, which also includes calling up its active reserves of one million men, and bringing more than 1000 battle tanksout of storage. Putin is being told by his close advisers that Ukraine will have an army of half a million men in 2015 .
RAPA would provide hundreds of millions of dollars to train and arm the rapidly expanding Ukrainian armed forces, and position US/NATO forces for rapid intervention on the side of Ukraine in the event of a Ukrainian-Russian war. Thus, the many political and military provisions of RAPA would certainly act to fully encourage Ukraine to carry out its stated policy to retake Crimea. The Republic of Georgia attacked Russian forces in 2008 with far fewer US promises of aid. Of course, RAPA would also arm Georgia, too.
RAPA moves the US towards nuclear war with Russia
A US/NATO-Russian war would instantly put US and Russian nuclear forces at peak alert, with both sides anticipating a nuclear first-strike from the other. Both the US and Russia have changed their nuclear war-fighting plans to include the use of preemptive nuclear first-strikes; both nations have “tactical” nuclear weapons designed for battlefield use.
The US has 180 B61 nuclear bombs deployed on six military bases of five other NATO states, which would be released to these NATO members in the event of a US/NATO-Russian war. Russia also has at least 1300 tactical nuclear weapons, and Russian war doctrine specifies their use against overwhelming conventional (NATO) forces. Any use of “tactical” or “battlefield” nuclear weapons, by either side, would likely trigger an equal or greater response from the other.
During the first Cold War, the US studiously avoided any direct military confrontation with Russia, because it was widely thought that such a war would inevitably escalate to become a nuclear war – which would utterly destroy both nations. However, there seems to be little thought or discussion of this in the US today, despite the fact that both the US and Russia appear to be preparing for such a war.
In May, the increasing tensions in Ukraine led both nations to almost simultaneously conduct large nuclear war games. Long-range Russian nuclear bombers tested US air defenses16 times in a ten day period (July 29 – August 7). US and Russian leaders are either unaware or choose to ignore the fact that such “games” and “tests” are a dress rehearsal for human extinction.
Peer-reviewed scientific studies predict the environmental consequences of a war fought with only a fraction of US and/or Russian strategic nuclear weapons would likely wipe out the human race. Scientists predict that even a “successful” US nuclear first-strike, which destroyed 100% of Russia’s nuclear forces before they could be launched, would create catastrophic changes in global weather that would eliminate growing seasons for years. Most humans and large animals would starve to death.
Nuclear war is suicide for humans, but our leaders still have their fingers on the nuclear triggers. There seems to be absolutely no awareness, either in our Federal government or in the American public, of the existential danger posed by nuclear war. Such ignorance is embodied by The Russian Aggression Prevention Act, which if enacted will put us on a direct course for nuclear war with Russia.
Steven Starr, Senior Scientist, Physicians for Social Responsibility