You spent a great deal of time trying to figure this out, but it is simply conjecture and assumption. The idea that China will partner with Russia is in a word...ludicrous. Russia can barely stand on its own economically. China has such a vested financial interest in the US that to attack the US in any way would cause irreparable damage to the stability of China. The basic problem with your theory is that you start from a JW framework. The King of the South and the King of the North may not even be politial entities. If you expect to understand anything old testament, you must begin at the beginning. Isaac and Ishmael. It all starts there and it will end there. Two religious world powers whose inception occurred at precisely the same time in history. Where the Bible speaks of Abraham offering up Isaac, the Qu'ran speaks of Abraham offering up Ishmael...polar opposites in perspective....north and south. If you believe that the Bible is true....it must begin there. It is from that point in history that these religious nations began in their conflict.
Once you plug in the distinct world view of both religious entities and their constant friction, it is not hard to substitute them for political entities. If your hypothesis starts with this model, you will begin to understand the big picture of Daniel.
Or you could simply recognize that the Bible is just a book with an allegorical message, much like Dicken's A Christmas Carol (absolutely NOTHING to do with Christmas)
For centuries people have made their lives more meaningful by expecting that the prophetic message of the Bible would be fulfilled in their lifetimes. If that is what makes gives your life meaning and purpose, then great. Others, however, recognize that our lives are only as meaningful as we make them.