a we all know history repeats itself, this is why a book like the bible is so hotly discussed.
and i am not different in my opinion. which is,
all these lituriture writings have been written for the purpose of leading the people of the day, to a hope of a savior. all were written after the fact.
many were written from stories told by villaige elders. Ie: grandpas stories.
so, hebrew scriptures are to be interpreted as all being fulfilled, when the Christ supposedly came.
all of those of the political arena at the time, fit the revelation and daniel and ezekiel, prohetic writtings.
this was proven.
however its now firmly believed by many of those in the historical and scientific and archeological fields, that jesus never exsisted, since none of the many writters of history, like josephus, has written anything about the man.
now its believed that Jesus was a roman invention to keep the poplulace in control, a conspiracy. and maybe thats the big secret in the vatican temple.
as for me, well, i still intend to treat my world and all in it. with respect and love. because even if Jesus dod not exsist, you have to admit, the lessons are advantagious. and what a masterpeice of 'divine' deception if it is true!
[sorry for any mispelled words]