i like what backformore said. i wish a lot more would go that way.
I'm meeting with my congregation Elders Today HELP PLEASE
by LennaB 103 Replies latest watchtower bible
As most here have discovered, when you tell Pharisees (religious leaders) the truth, they respond by killing (df'ing) the messenger, as they did Jesus.
Yes, 2000 years, and nothing has changed.
Still, we are here for you, when you get back, from meeting with the apostate Star Chamber Judging Committee.
new hope and happiness
I öearnt that telling the elders facts is in effect telling them there life is useless. Speaking to elders with thete watch tower hats on is a waste of time. Mind you i have had some constructive conversations when we meet inadvertently on the street.
My attitude now is elders are like the tax authorities and i prefer it if we leave each other alone.
This all happened before the organization was cleansed and the F&DS was appointed...so there is no use in getting that historical.
New Hope and Happiness, that's a great point. Why do people refuse to listen to truth? Because it means they have been wrong, perhaps for their entire lives. Not everyone has the strength to change when they realize they are wrong. Not many have the personal honesty to even consider that may be wrong.
When you tell the Elders something that is true, yet contradicts a WT magazine, you become the enemy.
Plenty of false prophecies took place AFTER the supposed cleansing.
I would still avoid the Elders if you are not totally confident in defending yourself. You are going to have 2-3 cult members interrogating you at once. The WTBTS uses this method because the odds of all the Elders being sympathetic are slim.
Even if one believes you and agrees, the others won't. Even if by some miracle the Elders in an entire KH sided with you, the CO won't. They will call on another BOE if necessary. The whole thing is rigged. You cannot win the game when the game is rigged. The only way to "win" is to just not play at all.
I'm sure your objective was loving.
The elders think theirs is too. However, their objective is to shut you up.
3 against 1.....I don't fancy your odds.
Gustv Cintrn
Be truthful and respectful; also keep in mind that in our current imperfect humanity, every single thing evolves. In our religion, as in many others alike, all evolution has been towards what's best at the time in history. Will you stop using technology/medicine/etc. because of its obscure beginnings?
Even the statement of who really had the right recipe was presented in a question: Who is the approved servant? (Matt. 24:45) So many faiths are striving to be this servant, and in the end only Jehovah and Jesus will select.
So, make your decision privately and move forward. Use your intelligence, but above all, find well-being and happiness with the JWs or elsewhere.
Blackbird Fly
Don't play their game with them. It's THEIR game not yours. Walk away. Be free. Be happy.