Lena, are you still here. So are you df'd or considered having da'd yourself. Why do people think they can handle their own against 3 so-called bible superior men, and come here for help 1 hour before d day?
I'm meeting with my congregation Elders Today HELP PLEASE
by LennaB 103 Replies latest watchtower bible
Would LennaB be sleeping now? I wait with bated breath....
Anybody else notice all the newbies coming
out......especially on posts like this?
A big hug to all of them anyway, it is good
that they have found a place to land!
How did it go, LennaB? Hope you're doing o.k.
2 elders called me today, wanting me to meet with them. They said there was something new about to be implemented in the organization...... They said if I knew what they knew I would want to stay.
She hasnt posted again, I think they killed her..
Maybe killing apostates is the new organizational arrangement. LOL This is a joke, but those sick bastards would kill apostates if they could get away with it. The Jehovah cult is that deluded in their belief that their religion is God's mouthpiece.
LennaB says ... This is so horrible, I genuinely believed this was the truth until I did my own independent research.
I've been so conditioned part of me is still worried if I'm being "influenced by the demons".
No actually what has happened is you've used your inherent intelligence to discern if the WTS. is real or not in your investigation you've found that the WTS.
is a pretentious lie wrought with corruption by men running a religious publishing house.
The suggestion that you are being inundated by evil spirits with your newly discovered thoughts is part of how the WTS. manipulates people mentally to their
supporting power and control. Fear as a big engaging element to control people toward their self supporting means.
In short ... people outside of their organization are evil and doomed to be destroyed soon, the WTS had built itself up from misinformation
and self supporting corruption.
... people inside their organization are good/righteous to be saved from destruction come Armageddon, these ones offer these men
overbearing intrusive power, control and money.
So who do you think the WTS men are going to keep around themselves ?
The answer should be obvious.
Not sure why anyone would want to go to the elders and tell them what they think unless they want a quick D/F. It's suicidal. They'll cut you off from everyone you love. What do you owe them? Why give them the power? Are they the Thought Police?
Am I th economy one who is happy with they way they went out? I didn't play along with their little games either. I made them play mine. Go in there and sit in judgement of them. Lay your facts out, let them try to explain, and when they can't do it to your liking tell them. Don't give an inch.
look, chances are, if the elders are wanting to have a meeting with you, you're screwed one way or another. You'll never win playing their game so just don't try. It's like taking off a bandaid. You can rip it off quickly and be done with it or pick and pick at it for a long time making the pain last longer. Instead, go in there, let them know what you think of them, and get a move on. Remember, these are just men like any other out there. The only power they have over you is what you give them.
OK. I'm not very good at writing so bear with me please. A little background info first. I grew up around the truth but not in it. I started studying the bible with JW's seriously Nov/13 and had been making pretty rapid progress (With the hopes of baptism of course). Even getting married to my bf of three years so I could live in accordance with Jehovahs righteous standards. I had been getting pretty close with my bible teacher who is a very overbearing and pushy pioner sister. She had me over her house, around her family, bought me dresses, picked me up for service, ect. I started attending the meetings immediately. After a while I became completely let down by the stark contrast between what is published about the meetings and what actually goes on. Studying EVERYDAY, I'm not studying long enough, good enough. I'm in constant fear that I am displeasing God and it causing me serious anxieties. I Don't want to bring "reproach on Jehovahs name" SO I keep up with the smiles for everyone and my newly wed husband. At this point I feel like a total fraud... Shouldn't the happiness come naturally? Shouldn't I be one of the happiest people on earth with out forcing it and being fake? I EVER SO SLOWLY start missing meetings and going out into service less. (This has made a huge deal since I started out with 30hrs every month and commenting more than twice at each meeting.) I think everyone here knows the kind of up roar that causees once you start skipping..SO I had been researching for about a week before I decide that Jehovah couldn't possibly be leading an organization that had Occult roots. (Love what Jehovah Loves and hate what he hates right?) So I gathered four main points that I wanted to address with the elders (In hopes that maybe they could disprove me and that my findings WERE Demonic Propaganda).
1. Pyramidology/Occult/Astrology/Masonry
2. Assuming the role of 'Prophet' in Jehovas name
3. C.T Russell (In general)
4. False Predictions
I was told by my Bible teacher that I needed to have a sheperding call, so I took advantage of that to ask them their. I sat down with the elders in the office or whatever with all of my refercnces on my laptop ready to go and show them everything. Long story short, Elder A closed his bible as soon as he realized the nature of my questions. He tried to say that the masonry symbol was a "halo" and "cross", Elder A proceeded to ask me, "well, is their a cross on the cover of the watch tower now?" and I pointed out to him that it was not a halo but a crown and the knights templar still useses THAT SAME SYMBOL today. They either weren't aware or didn't acknoledge the other endtime predictions excluding 1914 and 1975. I asked was it in any way possible that C.T Russell was a false prophet. Didn't answer that. I brought up astrology in Russies old Zion WatchTower and they attributed this to good ol' New light. Elder B actually said that some of the points I brought up placed doubts in his heart. Basically all they said the entire three hours, (yes! You read that right. THREE HOURS.)was either the organization didn't fully understand everything at the time and "The light is getting brighter" or they completely marched around my questions with the things society has taught them, sometimes going off topic.. The bible was read from five times maximum. Like I said before, that fear has not left me and at this point I'm unsure of a lot of things and don't know what to do. Parts of me still believs that this could be th truth, the elders were very persuasive.. I keep thinking about that angel of light scripture.. ugh, I'm so lost right now :c If you guys want anymore details feel free to ask, thanks for the advice.
How many times does it take for a prophet who speaks in the name of Jehovah to become a false prophet?
The answer is simple, it only takes one false prophecy. See Deut. 18:18-22
The watchtower has claimed to be a prophet and has failed numerous times in their predictions. As Deut. 18 says, do not fear them.....so do not fear the watchtower, they are not gods channel.
Im sure you know but if not, check out jwfacts.com