I'm meeting with my congregation Elders Today HELP PLEASE

by LennaB 103 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • LennaB

    My husband is not a JW, but I was so Zealous I made the both of us look like fools. I'm saying my life is ruined because AS OF NOW I have no hope for the future, angry at the way I was treted by some of the people in my cong (even though their were some great people), questioning id I can even trust the bible? If that doesn't ruin your life then what does? I'm just looking for encouragment from people who know about this place. As for the elder, he said that doubt isn't uncommon and not bad, but now he has something to do research on to strenghten his faith or something like that. He is really a down to earth guy. Only been an Elder fo two to three years and wasn't raised in the truth. His wife brought him in. To the people that think I'm lying, what would be the point????? Thanks for the support everyone. I really appreciate it. This is an open question to the people who were raised/spent five plus years in the truth, what happened? what were your experinces when you first found out?

  • Crazyguy

    Now is a good time to do some research, go to JWfacts.com and then read if you wish some of their books, you will see they are not gods true religion. Then come on here and ask more questions and look at older threads and you will become enlightened...But now to take it slow and not allow your feallings to completely control you. I was as mad as hell at some of the things I learned..

  • Crazyguy

    I had doubts about the religion but what helped me was actually the governing body member Steven Lett, he admitted at a DC a few years ago I atended that they did in fact at bethel think 1975 was the year that Armageddon was going to hit. I realized I had been lied to all these years so I started researching their doctrines and comparing them to what the bible said. Bought 4 different bibles and the rest is history..

  • rebel8

    As of right now I'm questioning if god even exsist.

    That's just reality. There is zero proof the supernatural world exists, so this "certainty" you had before you woke up was fake. Accepting that we don't know everything about the universe can be freeing and restore the sense of curiosity and wonder the cult replaces with bans on independent thinking.

    I now realized that I got married for the wrong reasons..

    That sucks. Now your opportunity is to explore your relationship as it now is and what prospects it holds for both of you.

    You mentioned you started studying in "Nov/13". Do you mean November 2013? So it's been less than a year that you've been studying and married?

    So much of life is ahead of you, and even if you were partly affected by the cult before last year, you still avoided so much by not being directly involved all your life.

    I'm lost and I don't know how I'm going to break to my friends that I'm not going anymore..

    You actually don't have to tell them. They'll notice you're gone, and the love bombing will begin. If they ask, you are free to not respond or say you don't want to talk about it. If you choose to respond, that's your choice--no one is forcing you.

    You mentioned they bought you dresses. That is a new one on me. I guess they've taken love bombing and mothering to a whole new level. Seems weird.

  • Finkelstein

    My life is ruined. oh my god I want to cry. I think I'm in denial..


    No its not ruined at all you've just made a naive foolish decision to get involved with the Watchtower Corporation.

    The reason why there has been so many wrong doctrines is because the WTS. has a publishing house at it core operation and it must forcefully insist that all

    support members are to not question any expressed doctrines, potentially damaging its marketing agenda/strategy.


    The JWs is a commercial inspired false religion built up by power seeking opportunist, who were more businessmen rather than academic bible theologians.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    To the people that think I'm lying, what would be the point?????

    Not so much that your lying but for those of us who have been here awhile we have seen people come on here with some fanciful and well thought out stories. One guy even claimed to have a wife dying of cancer and some have played on members sympathies for money.

    I AM NOT SAYING THIS IS YOU! just explaining what has occured in the past. also you have some JW's who come with tripped out stories to yank peoples chains. Your very FIRST post was telling us you are meeting with the elders with no real backstory.

    Now if you are still listening I know it can be a pain and struggle to have your belief system ripped from you and destroyed....But it is not the end.

    Take a deep breath relax and get to know yourself Find out who LennaB is without the viel of religion morals and all that other stuff. Listen to what Rebel8 said she is a therapist and an all around great caring person.

  • clarity

    LennaB .......I just want to give you a hug right now.

    Actually I think many on here are proud of you for

    having the guts to confront those 3 elders! Those

    questions were pretty direct!

    Take it easy sweety, there is no rush...if there ever

    was an armageddon, from what I can see it was over

    & done with many moons ago. You have tons of time.

    There is nothing that can't be fixed in one way or another.


    Stop worring about the invisable & 'pie in the sky' new world,

    and concentrate on having a wonderful life ..right NOW!

    Your parents gave you life & a beautiful brain....now go out

    and live it to the full! Twenty years old ...how fantastically

    great is that! I say that dear, as I wasted 50yrs working for

    a cult!!!!!!!!!!!! I would give a lot to be young again, but it is

    gone and it won't be coming back ever.....all that was just BS.

    Don't waste another second worrying, don't be afraid WT is

    just a Real Estate Investment Buisness, maskarading as a

    'religion'........they have no power over you or anyone else!

    You are free at last my friend ......get going!

    Sincerley wishing you great success in your life, flaunt

    that youth of yours...cause so many millions envy it!


  • Island Man
    Island Man

    "Please tell me what the bright side is.."

    You just turned twenty this year, which means you're learning TTATT (The Truth About The Truth) at a young age while you still have your whole life ahead of you. Consider yourself fortunate compared with some who learned TTATT late in life after having wasted their prime years - most of their life - slaving for Watchtower, passing up education and employment opportunities for Watchtower, etc.

    " My life is ruined. oh my god I want to cry."

    No. On the contrary, your life has been saved from the enslaving clutches of Watchtower.

  • ABibleStudent

    DITTO what Island Man wrote.

    Take one day at a time. You are twenty and have a lot of time to make changes in your life. Have a good cry, get some sleep, talk with your husband about your feelings, and start planning how to make the changes that you want in your life. The WTBTS is not God's organization, but that doesn't mean that there isn't a God.

    If you feel that the WTBTS is not a dangerous cult, then read what cult-exit counselors say are the characteristics of a dangerous cult. Have you checked out www.freedomofmind.com yet?

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    AS OF NOW I have no hope for the future, angry at the way I was treted by some of the people in my cong (even though their were some great people), questioning id I can even trust the bible?

    Lenna, there are plenty of things worth believing in. But the Bible is not among them. There are plenty of worthwhile persuits in your life. But religious indoctrination is not one them. I don't know if a God does or doesn't exists. But if a God does exist then they will understand you're desire to ask questions and to reject ideas that do not make sense. They would want you to use your brain and to follow your heart.

    Be good to your family - because you love your family. Be good to your friends - because you love your friends. Help those in need - because they are in need. Be a moral person for the sake of the positive effects it has on the world around you. And make well informed decisions so that your good intentions don't go astray.

    What makes you happy? What makes you feel good? What types of people do you like to be around?

    I know that when I was a witness I was spiritually starved. There is a deep seeded cynicism in the JW teachings: Humans can't make the world perfect so we shouldn't even try. Humans don't live forever so whatever we do doesn't matter.

    These are the most vile of all their teachings. Because what we do DOES MATTER! It affects the people around us. And if we try we can be a positive force if we want to. We can bring happiness, and joy, and love into this world. We can lean to accept people for who they are and encourage others to do the same. There is not a single person on this planet who can't make the world just a little bit better.

    Human dignity is worth believing in. And human well being is a worthwhile pursuit.

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