LMAO Your wit is priceless.
X-JWs Who are now bible Christians
by clash_city_rockers 169 Replies latest jw friends
If you were someone who read scripture constantly you would be saturated with God’s word and your words would be more edifying.Just2laws,
Maybe your right I should have used more discression. My fault for lack of prudence.You said:
if you want to help JW's to accept Jesus Christ I cannot think of a better way to fail than to be dogmatic about doctrines not clearly stated in the bible such as the trinity and to condemn others as unsaved because they do not accept your interpretation. I'm sorry but to me this approach IS NOT the way of Christ
The problem here is that your grip isn’t really with me I’m just trying to be faithfull to passages in the scriptures that talk about those who have “another Jesus” As far as the trinity and your claim that it isn’t a clear teaching well that is a arrogant claim. Just because you don’t understand the trinity doesn’t imply that the doctrine is not clear in scripture. You are not the standard of what is clear doctrine and what isn’t. In fact I stand shoulder to shoulder with Christians of all protestant bible believing evangelicals who say what the bible says and that trinity is an absolute Christian essential. Just for example I stand with:
1. Orthodox Presbyterian Church
2. Presbyterian Church of America
3. Reformed Presbyterian Church in North America
4. United Reformed Church of America
5. Free Church of Scotland
6. Reformed Church in the United States
7. Netherlands Free Reformed Church
8. Reformed Baptist Church and Fellowship
9. Southern Baptist Church
10. Confederation of Reformed Evangelicals
11. Korean Presbyterian Church of America
12. Sovereign Grace Baptist Fellowship
13. Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
14. Reformed Episcopal Church
15. Free Presbyterian Church in IrelandAnd millions of others who subscribe to the Westminster Standards (Presbyterian), Three Forms of Unity (Dutch Reformed), Book of Concord and Augsburg Confession (Lutheran), 1644 or 1689 London Baptist or Philadelphia Confession (Baptist), Second Helvetic Confession (Swiss Reformed), Savoy Declaration of Faith (Reformed Congregationalist), 39 Articles (Episcopal)
I guess this leaves you out of the door. But in your position how can you give an account of the following passage, what is Paul mean in the fallowing:
Gal 1:6-96I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel-- 7which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned! 9As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let him be eternally condemned!
Lets do an antithesis study. If one is presenting a non Trinitarian Jesus then he is presenting as Paul says “another Jesus”. If that is the case then according to scripture those who present a non Trinitarian Jesus are Dammed.
Now let’s do the reverse and say the Non Trinitarian position is true. They still have to be faithful to the Pauline position in Galatians. If one is presenting a Trinitarian Jesus then he is presenting as Paul says “another Jesus”. If that is the case then according to scripture those who present a Trinitarian Jesus are Dammed.
So you see there is no neutrality on the matter.
Sorry to say friend maybe it’s not good to see you here. I’ll be praying for you though. Nothing personal I’m cool with you.Grace Alone, Faith Alone, Christ Alone, Scriptures Alone, to the Glory of God Alone.
jr -
There is no contradiction between cause and means now go to college (if they will let you in) and take a formal logic class and stop commiting catigorical falicies.
Stop being a silly sheep and follow any mans ideas just because they are antagonistic to the Christian worldview. Learn to formulate educated and informed ideas for yourself that are valid and consistant. Unfortunatly if one rejects Christ and the Christian worldiew then forming an internally consistant philosophy would be impossible.
cheers hugs and kisses,
jr -
Hi ccr,
I was a JW for 24 years. It's a long story, but at the age of 37 I received the baptism in the Holy Spirit and became a member of the body of Christ. The process didn't involve a religion, denomination, church, pastor, priest, or set of rules or regulations. My salvation was totally by grace through faith, not of my own efforts or righteousness. In fact, it was quite a surprise because as everyone knows we were taught that anything of a mystical/supernatural nature is demonic.
Someone in this thread (I don't remember who) made the claim "no trinity, no salvation." I have to take issue with that statement. When the Lord brought me to salvation, it wasn't because I believed in the trinity. It happened after being brought to a depth of repentance that was incredible. I had asked to see myself as He sees me. And what I saw was not appealing at all. This kind of repentance caused me to bottom out, and when I hit rock bottom, God was there. With all the religious rhetoric aside, it finally dawned on me why humankind needs God's Son, and I accepted that the Lord Jesus was/is my savior, master, messiah. The question wasn't "do you believe in the trinity." The question was "do you accept my Son?" I could only answer this question from the depth of my soul when I understood exactly why I needed Him. It's one thing to have an intellectual belief in Jesus Christ. It's an altogether different phenomenon when that intellectual belief is transformed to heartfelt acceptance. And what's truly wonderful is that the whole salvation process is the work of God from beginning to end.
commiting catigorical falicies.
Does the Spirit Of Christ that dwells within you come with a spell check?
PS: I have a degree in English, which I will match against your degree in 'cut 'n paste' anytime...lol
errr.. 6:30 monday .... and that bridge thing was pure satan, but God did take note: "how like Clash to blame Me (or you Six, lil buddy)".
And that 6:30 includes the newbies! It's not too late to repent however. Just pick up a bible and actually read it!
God has informed me that he is saving something special for Clash, something that goes way beyond a quick weenie roast. God chuckled when He said "weenie roast" and "ClashCityRockers" in the same sentence.
I love Clash, from the heart, I truly do. He is the 'Simpson' of the theological world and confirms every thinking persons fears that fundamentalists are the very worst advertisement for Christianity available, apart of course from Heinrich Himmler, who also shared Calvin’s penchant for limited sanity.
Keep them coming Clash, you are making atheists by the cluster…lol
Himmler, my dear uninformed friend was raised Lutheran. Then he left the church he was an apostate. Good thing you like to make up lies and re-invent history but your unreliability as an acurate historian has already been demonstrated
squeezes and smooooshies,
A.A. Business Administration
Chabot Junor College(hey, it's better than judge Rutherford)
Read your History - he may have been raised Lutheran but did not remain so. His personal philosophy, like your own was a deadly mix of mythology / Calvanism and bent Christian ethic.
A quick search on the internet, as you have just found out is no substitute for true study. Try Martin Gilbert's 'World In Torment', it will give you all the facts you need.
My whiskers are greying Clash, which gives me quite a lot of experience at seeing through bluff my lad.
Hillary in his slanderous ways claims
Read your History - he may have been raised Lutheran but did not remain so. His personal philosophy, like your own was a deadly mix of mythology / Calvanism and bent Christian ethic.
I’m calling you out on this one Give some references in which Heinrich Himmler borrowed from or used Calvinist philosophy. Start giving sources. Give me Book author page all that. If not stop slandering all you do is just make yourself look real bad and loose your credibility as one who has academic credibility. You are a fraud just like Chuck Russell.
Give me the page number of Try Martin Gilbert's 'World In Torment' so I can see this claim and to see if you are not misrepresenting this guy. and I'll check if this author has any credability and historical circles.
Experience is not always a valid test of truth you apeal to experience is falty at best.
What does one do with a Degree in English get a welfare job as a public librarian? Anyone can do that.
Snuggles and bear hugs,