The best thing they could do with this junk is get themselves some bandwidth on the Galaxy 19 satellite and fit in with all the other boring religious channels. After seeing all the changes they've made in such a short time, it's not all that far fetched
Looking back to what happened since sept 2012... i must say its brilliant !
by insidetheKH 42 Replies latest jw friends
Regardless of how you attempt to polish it, a turd is still a turd.
So, the OP is actually saying that until 2012 the WTG did not take care of it's members and didn't had much to offer.
After 20 to 30 years of being ostracized for having a computer and using internet, in the end it was all okay? Whatever happened to showing people scriptures right from the Bible? Isn't using a kindle or notebook the same as showing someone something you photocopied? I've put up with so much negativity from Witnesses over the years because I enjoyed computers and internet use and now all of a sudden it's okay? So many witnesses I knew would not buy a computer or get an internet subscription because the society warned about the perils of using it. In true black and white fashion, all the Witnesses I knew would spare no time in telling you how they weren't going to get a computer and use internet because it was dangerous. Anytime the GB issues a warning, it is immediately translated as, "avoid this at all costs." I've always been the black sheep thanks to this religion and even though I refuse to give up on my faith and what I believe in, the black and white thinking has made me largely avoid people all together because I can't please the Witnesses nor anyone of the world.
Anytime there is is nu-light that apparently contradicts old teachings and understandings, ask yourself, "Was it true then or is it true now?" Truth is truth and will always be the truth.
A point to keep in mind, all this new construction of the new HQ in Wallkill, the new video studio and so forth have been
made possible and encouraged by the fact that the Watchtower Corporation has become very rich in the last few years
with the sale of most of the organization's real estate holdings in Brooklyn NY
as well the many branches around the world which were sold off.
I think the pressure has been inadvertently placed on the WTS. to contradict the opposition which has been readily available on the inter-net and progressing
for a long time now.
In a way the WTS. is in its own war on the information available on the inter-net.
Its spiritual warfare on the Net now.
j dubb
Yes, silent, I remember elders in the mid 90s saying the society would never have a website. Some speakers at assemblies even said regular people had no need to be online.
Then it was 'don't read scriptures from printouts' at meetings...the Bible has more authority when read from directly!
How far we've come!
Progressive....really ? Most Witnesses have been asking for decades why the Society never took advantage of the media that has been available to them. Our little Neighborhood Association has had it's own Website for at least 8 years now. Our kid's homework assignments were available on the school website way back in 2000. To hear JW's and the poster of this topic talk, it's as if they think the Internet was invented at Bethel. By the way, why is this poster even on this site and how did he/she find us? Was it during a search of the Internet for all things JW ?
Anyway...too bad no one from the 1914 Generation is still alive today (as was falsley prophesied) , they'd be able to tell us how much they bragged back in the day when the Kingdom Hall's finally got electricity and acted as if they invented the stuff.
I really don't care what innovations they achieve, maybe they'll go to the moon and that's great, but the nitty gritty of all of this is: How are JWs are treated. The R&F are nothing...the butt of jokes, df'ing is rampant, with no hope of getting back in, (yes, I know people get reinstated, but at what amount of hoop-jumping?) pedophilia is covered up, marking, families suffering, (not only the ones who have left, but their families that are in), there is an enormous amount of depression, illness, sadness, poverty, and one can never do enough as a Witness. And, Heaven forbid, if one decides to get an education she/he is demonised. No amount of big screen tvs will change that.
I visit the JW groups on FB and so many of those people are hurting, and just waiting for the New World. Why isn't there encouragement for this life, where's the help and the love? Where is the honesty? If Elders, and on up, could just be honest, just once, I would feel that progress is being made.
Anyway, Take Care
Nothing progressive is reskinning a website. What I think is amusing was raised at
They are using Roku, a "worldly" ondemand service that is used by other religious organisations, such as Mormons. I'm surprised they haven't developed their own platform, so that there is something else for them to sell to the flock, and they can keep them away from the temptation to view other programs.