They've obviously hired a good marketing team.
Looking back to what happened since sept 2012... i must say its brilliant !
by insidetheKH 42 Replies latest jw friends
Just my 3 thoughts:
- Even ISIS (ISIL or whatever they call themselves nowadays) are using slick marketing methods (brochures, videos, websites): Does that make them progressive and "caring" for their members too? I don't care about the packaging, the important thing is what's IN the package.
- In my opinion: they are sugar-coating a turd. WHAT is the message? The same as before....oh no, let me correct that for you: it is a potpourrie-mash-up of crazyness. If you are impressed with the new "Look" you owe yourself to watch this:
Enjoy how these two Witnesses tried to explain the new Website on "La Vida es Asi" a show from Telecolor, a Venezuelan TV channel (interestingly a pro-Chavez channel, but that is another story for another day):
This is currently being shared among J-Dubs and they are going all crazy over this, but they never stop to think how this REALLY shows what they are. The anchor spends a few minutes glorifying them (I don't know if he is trolling or has been paid - I have my theory, due to a personal experience) and then he says at 2:45 "ustedes tienen un tremendo sistema de MERCADEO" (which translates as: "you have a tremendous MARKETING system"). He seems to be impressed with the "shiny effect" of their marketing. They even show one of their videos (which I could dissect because it is FULL of errors and contradictions).
BUT THEN THE REAL ISSUE COMES UP: From minute 12:30 onwards it gets really interesting. He asks questions like: "Why are there so many religions? In my opinion this has created division and if there is only one God there should be only one religion, the problem is egoism, everybody says they have the true religion the jews, the muslims and you too." They have to weasel out of this one. JUST DELIGHTFUL to see how they fall on their own swords.
13:53 "Nobody has the absolute truth, not even you." - NO ANSWER. He asks: "Is there a re-encarnation" They answer with the typical "THAT is interesting...." and refer him to the website. At 15:20 he says that people are dissintegrated and the body 16:00 they say that Jesus came back in another BODY and they will look DIFFERENTLY. The anchor is confused and asks if the person looks the same, they say no the Bible mentions that he will have another Body and look differently, but God is still rising him from the dead.
Unfortunately this is in Spanish, but watching it shows one thing: Two guys in a suit, presenting their SHINY, BRANDNEW religion, but weaseling out and contradicting themselves, showing how confusing they can be and at the same time saying they have the absolute truth.
- JW......they are obfuscating and hiding the name of God. Even reducing his name to a "J" in a corporate logo. Considering that they call themselves WITNESSES of Jehovah, they are doing a dirt-poor job in glorifying the name. You enter a Catholic church and you know what the Marketing meme is - with ONE view: the Cross > the dying Jesus > the suffering/sacrifice. Here? A Logo. But even before this they have been hiding Gods name (and even Jesus). The last Symbol was a piece of a defensive building: a Watchtower. A military symbol that you see on a castle. At least they could have used a golden, shiny Tetragrammaton, that would have more power in terms of symbolism, biblical meaning and they would have the chance to explain/defend their God.
How would you like to have your name reduced to a single letter in a corporate logo?
I am tired of this kind of crap. Glad to be out and free. FREE is the only thing that counts. As far as I am concerned they could be shitting Gold bricks at their meetings, I would still not attend and couldn't care less.
Let the turd continue to stink.
yadda yadda 2
also i see no other international religion that takes care so well of their members and has so much to offer to young and old,.. wether online or offline. They offer something impressive and it looks like it that they will continue to do so.
Wow, what an unbelievably dumb comment. This poor mug is the perfect JW consumer and a GB's wet dream, sucked in hook line and sinker. The GB cold sell snow to an eskimo if this guy was one.
All of this smells a lot like a diversion due to the 100th anniversary of the failure of Armageddon to arrive and Jesus' invisible reign being a bust.
Whatever happened to showing people scriptures right from the Bible? Isn't using a kindle or notebook the same as showing someone something you photocopied?
Brother, you have missed an important detail. It's not "a Kindle or notebook". It's a tablet.
Agreed with BluePill. I am a native spanish speaker myself and I can atest for what he is commenting. Could this be an attempt to make the "J" ambiguous? If you look at the latest WT article (like one or two weekends ago) They are speaking of being "witnesses of Jesus" as well as Jehovah. I think there is a hint at another change there.
" They've obviously hired a good marketing team." was said above. I think they have, as far as rebranding goes.
The new tvJW though is so so close to the Mormon version, except it doesn't seem to work so well, but that may be just traffic at the moment, but the closeness makes me wonder if in house guys designed this, there is nothing new about it, no innovation whatsoever, if they paid for this outside, they were ripped off.
If I started such a thing, I would want it to look different than the opposition, or perhaps a merger with the LDS is coming and the two can melt in to each other ?
William Penwell
The WT still can't get away from their history of failed predictions. I know for a fact what was said on the buildup to 1975. The WT can lie all they want but this is a fact as I lived through it. So big deal a multi billio dollar corporation, book publishing company, not too many average working, tax paying individuals can compete with this money.
I'd objectively suggest a program relating to the questions raised here be aired on JWTV channel. To give everyone a fair chance to speak in public.
It's silly when any organization doesn't answer valid questions since then it can justifiably appear like a cover up and leave people infuriated.
Perhaps JWTV is the tip of a new iceberg? Maybe a radical rethink about how things are done is on the horizon so maybe dis-fellowshipping and shunning may end soon. I hope so in order that families not get destroyed without good cause. Guessing that my opinions about God are more valid than yours surely doesn't entitle me to wreck my family without their agreement..
The Mormons called me 'Heretic' as they threw me out, but I was using a OiuJa board at the time. I watched them do much worse and told them how wrong I thought they were. So they threw in 'Blasphemer' as well. Moi? I just asked them proper questions and got absolutely nowhere.
Things in the JW Org may be about to change and I hope they do, for their sakes, if nothing else. Us folk who are already savvy using modern media can already demonstrate how mad we can all be at times. JWs, being human, are simply as human as the rest and as mad at times. I do strongly believe they mean well.
As a final thought, do they have any science TV? -
So if the GB is doing so great , tell me..... When are you going to share your post with your fellow publishers at your Kingdom Hall?