Looking back to what happened since sept 2012... i must say its brilliant !

by insidetheKH 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Oubliette
    insidetheKH:  They are ten steps ahead

    Ahead of what? Where they used to be? That's about it.

    Every other religion has been doing these things for years. The WTBTS is miles behind and just catching up.

  • Suraj Khan
    Suraj Khan

    They can re-brand themselves a thousand times and it will not matter.

    Despite their hubris (past and present), they have been demonstrably incorrect on numerous occasions. So many failed prophecies, 1975 being one of the most glaring. Millions now living will never die? They're dead. Dogma being bandied about, walked back, time and time again. Blood fractions, The Internet...that list goes on and on as well.

    Were there an ounce of humility or a mote of transparency by the Governing Body, I'd almost want to give them a pass. But I categorically reject the notion that they mean well. They actively cover up their sordid, confused past by surreptitiously editing past volumes of work and sweeping evidence of past failures under the rug. And that is the key: it shows malicious intent to misrepresent themselves and place blame on the poor souls for trying to reach out to sites (such as this) to make sense of 'new light' against their fading memories.

    They are frauds, plain and simple. They have become the snare and racket they used to deride, and they are making billions from people too afraid or ashamed to think for themselves, smoothly transitioning themselves from a 19th century publishing company to a 21st century real estate investment trust. Their profit does not go to serving Christians and non-Christians alike in need, as Jesus commanded: it goes to more real estate projects built on the donated labor and materials of the very members it is defrauding. To assert that the Organization is taking care of its members at all, much less better than anyone else, is not only disingenuous - it is demonstrably false.

    They are a financial and moral hazard to everyone who has the misfortune to give them an ear or the time of day, and no pixellated window-dressing can cover the disgusting thing they have become.

  • Oubliette

    IKH: i see no other international religion that takes care so well of their members

    Right, that's why the WT leadership sends all the old Bethelites out to pasture in their golden years--no pension, no medical insurance, and no SSI because they never paid into the system during their productive working years--while the fatkat GB members live like kings.

    What hypocrites.

    IKH, I hope you're trying to write satire. If not, you're a gullible idiot.

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