wife says she always thought the WT said that anyone alive at armageddon that did not get a chance to hear kingdom message may survive? true? references?
Be Honest About This Doctrinal Matter
by lambsbottom 35 Replies latest watchtower bible
So the theory goes.
Which is a bit of contradiction because the message was supposed to be preached in all lands, then the end would come.
Ahhhhh ancient mythology is fun and confusing is it not.
Don't know about if they ever changed this doctrine, but currently it is that everyone will hear the message even if it doesn't seem like that, because Jehovah has it "under control".
Paragraph 14: "When we meditate on the meaning of Jesus’ illustration, we realize that there is no need for us to be overly concerned about how the Kingdom message will reach the millions who have not yet heard it. Jehovah has everything under control."
So basically, everyone unfaithful will be destroyed at Armageddon, because by that point everyone will have heard the message. Don't worry if it doesn't make any sense that Armageddon is just upon us yet millions are still yet to hear the message, because Jehovah will make sure they can hear it, he has it all under control...yeah, that one requires a real suspension of disbelief.
wife says she always thought the WT said that anyone alive at armageddon that did not get a chance to hear kingdom message may survive? true? references?
That whole idea is a red herring being used (by Satan) to divert their attention from what is really happening in regard to Armageddon.
The most import thing to remember in regards to Armageddon is to NOT be deceived by unclean inspired expressions (falsehoods) and being gathered together by them.
Jesus Christ gave us ample warning through the Gospels about the content of those same expressions.
It truly is amazing how spectacular Satan's success has been considering what Jesus Christ told us to watch for.
In order to comprehend you "honestly" do need to take note of everything "referenced" in this video:
If you do take the time to watch this entire video then you will properly understand what Jesus Christ meant by; "stay awake".
Your wife is asleep.
Wake her up.
She might then survive.
Everything Jesus Christ said would happen, is really happening!
wife says she always thought the WT said that anyone alive at armageddon that did not get a chance to hear kingdom message may survive?
It makes one wonder: aren't Jehovah's Witnesses doing people a disfavor by preaching to them?
In other words, if a person gets a chance at Paradise Earth because they didn't hear WT's message, then they have a 100% chance if JWs do not preach to them !
lambsbottom your wife and perhaps yourself are following a deviously corrupt commercialized false prophet.
The point is mute.
Armageddon is nothing but the takedown of society by Christ not judgement day. Any dying during that time dies an Adamic death and is ransomed by Christ. Neighbors, prisoners, JW, Non JW, the whole world living during this time will survive and have toi acknowledge the new government and submit after having knowledge. Then dead will rise also.
The great crowd and the ones that are chosen for the bride are all heavenly class. The great crowd is the temple workers. All persons that didn't get cught in or fought with Jesus will survive and those that fought will come back and bow before him as EVERY KNEE both on top and under will address Jesus.
Proof text for this is at the www.friendsofjehovahswitnesses.com site to the left under armageddon.
To admin, I know this is not a religious site but everybody comes here. I even get all my news here. So Thank you for letting me comment.
The Searcher
Generally believed by many Jw's.
Actually, the WTS has not said that each person must get a personal witness:
*** w00 1/15 p. 13 par. 17 “Keep on the Watch” ***
True, untouched territories still exist, and it may be that in Jehovah’s due time, a large door leading to greater activity will open. (1 Corinthians 16:9) Nevertheless, the Bible does not state that Jehovah will wait until every individual on earth has received a personal witness. Rather, the good news must be preached to Jehovah’s satisfaction. Then the end will come.—Compare Matthew 10:23 .
and that survivors must be baptized jws to survive.
*** w07 7/1 p. 13 pars. 7-8 Highlights From the Book of Ezekiel—I ***
9:3-6. Acquiring the mark—the evidence that we are dedicated, baptized servants of God and that we have the Christian personality—is essential for surviving the “great tribulation.” (Matthew 24:21) Anointed Christians, represented by the man with the secretary’s inkhorn, are taking the lead in doing the marking work, that is, the Kingdom-preaching and disciple-making work. If we want to retain our mark, we must zealously help them in this work.
Well you know how the jw's are ....see, it is an
invisable getting saved!