Shirley, you jest!
Be Honest About This Doctrinal Matter
by lambsbottom 35 Replies latest watchtower bible
I do jest...and don't call me Shirley.
"the message was supposed to be preached in all lands, then the end would come."
And that is why they have invested so much money and time in claiming that their message is available in over 300 languages.
Never mind that many of those languages that they brag about translating their literature into aren't even used anymore. Never mind that the Watchtowers printed in some of those languages can't even be read by the ethnic groups that they are targeting.
"... if it is Jehovah’s will to have this message personally carried to the millions on earth who seemingly have not yet heard it, that will be accomplished. If he chooses, he could see to it that this message is spread in ways that we cannot yet imagine."
That must be why they have embraced the internet. Now they can claim that their message is reaching "all the lands". I guess they don't have to personally deliver the message after all.
Blondie many witnesses do not realize that when it says" and then the end will come", it is referring to the end of the poreaching work. All nations know about Christ if not every person. Armageddon is not judgement on people so any not caught in the aftermat of war will survive and those that died during and as a result of fighting him will get a resurrection as they die an Adamic death. Jehovah not Jesus has power over that death after in the Millennium every PERSON WILL HEAR AND KNOW. Solution is simple.
ptt7000 - All nations know about Christ if not every person.
Absolutely not. Billions have never heard of Christ. Asia has barely been touched in many countries. And the teachings of Islam about Christ present him in a very different light to the Bible.
objective truth: since when is the "wheat" destroyed?