I can't understand how this can even be debated because the illogic of it ethically, theologically, and mathematically is beyond question.
1. At every minute of every day (all 24 hours) women are in various stages of pregnancy. If Jehovah was going to be concerned
about every living person he'd have to draw an arbitrary line beyond which (and before which) you get in free or you are toast.
This would have about as much to do with Justice and Mercy as a coin flip.
2. In previous (biblical) historical holacausts no care was taken over babies in the womb, small children or mentally vague persons.
3. Life and Death are of sole importance to humanity, but apparently only collateral concern to deity.
What could be more pointless than trying to get people to hold in their mind spiritual and doctrinal concepts?
You don't cause harm unless you behave a certain way.
Think of the worst case example: Think a a person with sociopathic tendencies who watches child pornography, hates humanity, and fantasizes about
cannibalism. Pretty nasty character, right? Right!
But--until this creep steps out of the "thinking" into the DOING--he's guilty only of corrupt mindset.
All these shades of gray on the black and white scale of SALVATION/DESTRUCTION are totally irrelevant to Jehovah's Witness leaders.
They are mainly concerned with giving the cosmetic appearance of loving fairness on the part of their Brand Name product: JEHOVAH.
An alcoholic can hit bottom and decide to turn his life around. He never takes another drink. But, he is always an alcoholic, right?
The same is true of anything called "evil" or sinful. As long as the craving is present --even without the behavior--you are regarded
by those pure at heart as someone probationary.
In mainstream Christianity, God totally forgives without exacting an ongoing price. Christendom's view is--of course you'll sin again and again--but you are ALREADY forgiven.
Jehovah's Witnesses are much much harder to please! You have to earn your way into paradise at every tick of the secondhand on the countdown clock to Armageddon.
Wariness is the hallmark of their creed.