You know I only bring it up when someone else brings it up, first, Coft. Hope that's not you in your avitar, by the way. I always had you pegged for someone in high school.
by Chris Tann 67 Replies latest watchtower bible
Really? Thanks.
Chris Tann, I am sure you have read that Noah had existed and tiny glacier on Mt Ararat contains the Ark.
I am always surprised that believer's in the God of creation don't credit their God for inventing the process of evolution. To not take ownership of evolution was and continues to be a mistake.
The alternative has been to stick with the Bible's creation account and suffer the arrows of provable science there by serving no purpose other then appearing mule headed.
Evolution provides an explanation for how intelligent a creator could be.
I do believe it would work for the Big Bang as well!
Yes correct.I do not follow preterism or any other teaching except that of Messiah. THe prophecies were about the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple and itcame ot pass in that generation just like Messiah said. THe Great Tribulation was in the 1st century and never to be seen again.He came back for those he promised He rules as King ever since. THe Mystery of the ages revealed to the gentile sin the 1st centruy is christ in us, the hope of GLory .colossians1:27. Meaning he dwells within man so does the KIngdom. God does not dwell in man made temples or in things made with bricks and mortar. The relaization of this wil come to pass and all will enter in. THe bible is a written testimony of Christ but has no life, what give slife is the living word, jesus christ.He waits close toeach and every one of us to open the door to him and enter in. He in us , us in him.THere is no more death or sin in the spiirt free at last formthe curseof death and from the teachings of man
check outmy youtubechannel seekchristonly
He in us , us in him
Giordano, uours is an interesting thought. Preterism applied to all cosmic events, including evolution.
The creative act included all future developments in its energy, its laws.
The deed is done and far greater than quibbling about the details of the unraveling talking snake story.
Larry 1
Hi Chris
You got it right, the NT prophecies were fulfilled the first century. This takes the wind out of 1914 and all the other guesses by the Jehovah Witness organization. And all those Christian News Paper prophets with a no show of Christ in our day. Although the label preterism turns off people, the concept is growing among Christians today. And will continue to grow since the dogma is truthful if studies. My question is how does Rethinking Hell fit into the theology? How did those first century Jewish believers understand the word Gehenna. Does it line up with the preterist view.