Punk, its in depth. Someone posted the letter in another thread.
GB Doesnt Believe in 1914 Anymore My reasoning
by thedepressedsoul 74 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
jnw - Thanks me ol' matey. I've found it now. Even more eeeeenteresting.
See: September 24, 2014 BOE regarding the "The instructions for the Service Meeting during the week of October 20, 2014, call for a seven-minute demonstration of a publisher explaining our beliefs about 1914." BOE Letter included.
It's going to be dumb downed, streamlined, bright and flashy.......
Yes they are officially still in on it. But that doesn't mean they can't dump it 5 years from now.
[EDIT:] Yes they are officially still in on it. But that doesn't mean they can't dump it 5 years MINUTES from now.
When I saw the programme for the Service Meeting I thought that I did not envy the person having to explain the unexplainable... now they do not have to.
NB the date and charts are all over the Gods Kingdom Rules, new release. That date is going nowhere........Yet ..
Island Man
Justnowout: i totally agree that they could dump 1914 tomorrow and the dubbies would slurp it up, my only point here was to address the original post and point out that currently the gb is still actively pushing 1914 as a doctrine and expects good little dubbies everywhere to show people a video explaining it :) Clearly the gb are not letting it fade into obscurity just yet.
I agree that they're not abandonding it just yet. But that doesn't necessarily mean they all currently believe in it. It could just be that they think now is not a good time to drop it.
yadda yadda 2
Have the Seventh Day Adventists ever abandoned 1843 as one of their official teachings? Nope. It will always have a mystical significance to them.
Nevertheless, 2034 has to be the terminus ad quiem of what can reasonably be called a "short period of time" for the ousted Devil from 1914 in God's eyes (Rev 12: 12).
Compare Genesis 6:3 where God sets a time-limit of his patience on that ancient wicked world of 120 years. So why would God's patience be any longer than that for the post-1914 world?
The JW's directly parallel the days of Noah with Jesus 'parousia' since 1914. The inference of a similar 120 year time limit is undeniable.
Genesis 6:3 - Then the LORD said, "My Spirit will not contend with humans forever, for they are mortal; their days will be a hundred and twenty years." (NIV)
Matthew 24:37 - As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. (NIV)
After 2034, the 1914 creed will be majorly revised. It will end up nothing but a sort of 'investigative judgment' concept similar to the SDA's teaching about 1843.
Here's the official SDA website explanation and video! They are still promoting their 1843 date 171 years later! :
The GB are absolutely trapped. If they ever admit they had it wrong about 1914 then that is admitting all apostates were right.
Just think about the repercussions of all the apostates shouting about JW doctrine is wrong about 1914 all these long years and then the GB admitted to it. That would be the end of the cult.
But the longer they leave addressing the elephant in the room the worse it will be.
Maybe the beard-reversal thing is to test the rank-and-file waters to see if dumping some of the bigger, more problematic things is feasable.