I suspect that the WBT$ will simply stop referring to 1914 and watch as it fades into obscurity. I think they'll start to focus away from their crazy doctrine onto more 'emotional appeals' and bullying.
GB Doesnt Believe in 1914 Anymore My reasoning
by thedepressedsoul 74 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The Watchtower needed 1914/1919. JW.ORG does not. We are dealing with a new religion and the old rules don't apply.
My thought is that the GB will use Watchtower history as evidence of divine appointment. The story of a small group of "Bible students" to a multinational modern religion will used as proof of Jah's favor.
It's going to be dumb downed, streamlined, bright and flashy.
Island Man
" Also since Satan was cast down to earth in 1934, what did he do that it is evident that it happened? Nothing... The connection between 1914 and WWI along with the release of Rutherfraud from prison in 1919 are way too precious to let go."
They could spin with 1934. They can say that upon being cast out from heaven angry Satan immediately went to work fomenting the conditions what resulted in the outbreak of the first truly global war just 5 years later in 1939 - WWII (WWI was more of a Eropean war than a truly global conflict). Then they can move the appointement of the FDS from 1919 to 1939. They can say that when Jesus inspected religions in 1939 he found that only JWs were refusing to go to war while also teaching sound doctrine but the rest of christendom was teaching lies and going to war in WWII. And I'm sure Watchtower can pull some inocuous events occuring in the organization in those years to cite as proof of both dates. Watchtower can do it if they really want to.
Im sorry but your reasoning has a flaw... The flaw being the 15 min part on next weeks service meeting that uses a new video to explain 1914. They are all in on It still
Just remember, it's truth until the GB says it's NOT.
Data, again i totally agree. They could dump it as a doctrine tonight and jw's everywhere would slurp it up.... But for now they are ACTIVLY pushing it as current certified truth.
Justnowout: I see the part in the KM, but what video are they using?
@londo- Theres a letter on jw org directing elders to use a specific video for that parts demonstration. I think the video is available to all on jw tv
Like all authoritarian regimes, the WT is reactionary, not strategic in the long term sense of the word. At present, they have no reason to "dump" 1914, so they will not, however...
The recent rebranding efforts are a sign that they are captiulating to social evolutionary pressures. The dates and esoteric nonsense that used to be the mainstay, are no longer stressed, since most of these can be very easily demonstrated to be untenable. That was much harder to do pre-internet, so there was no reason to move away from that particular "product". It was what made the WT different, and they reached a niche market that way. They have decided to move away from most of the old pseudo logical approach in recent years, not exactly as a deliberate effort, but rather a reactionary one as their own need for survival dictates. They never would have bothered with jw.org if they did finally see that their very existence was threatened without a, (seemingly), meaningful web presence, with all of the outward sparkle that goes with it.
Just as with implementing jw.org, they will not bother to remove 1914, until stressing that date becomes so untenable as to require it for their survival. What jw.org will do for WT is buy it time to complete the rebranding process, and, (hopefully from their perspective), use that rebranding to complete the process of eliminating the esoteric bent of the WT altogether. If they are "successful", they will create an organization that is focused on their particular alternative lifestyle, and nothing more. But again, this is not really a focused deliberate effort, so they will stick to 1914, and some other key esoteric teachings, until at which point it becomes more painful to keep them. They would rather do nothing, if they could.
I do not believe the WT will survive that transition ultimately, at least not in any recognizable form.