Talisman, you ask which school of Buddisam i believe in. I dont.
We like to label to much.
As the Buddah said " test all things and if they dont agree with your reason dont believe it"
I do not believe in Karma nor reincarnation. But i believe in the 4 noble truths.
The first Nobel truth is life contains suffering. ( we all i think agree with that?)
The second Nobel truth is we suffer due to craving and wanting. ( a little more complicated but worth thinking about)
The third noble truth is suffering can be overcome and happiness found. ( we all strive for that)
The forth nobel truth is that people have the capacity to end suffering in their life, because WE create the suffering in our life. ( and that is even harder to accept, but if a person can do that they can be happy)
My simple explanation and understanding of the 4 noble truths.