Gregor, wow, what a bold pervert to go after Elders kids! Good for you for going to the authorities. The irony of YOU being the bad guy for reporting. How pathetic that JW's are taught that Jehovah is so weak that he has no ability to protect his all important name, so they shoot the messenger who dares mention something rotten in .Org land.
Why don't parents of an abused child go straight to police, why go to an elder first??
by FeelingFree 47 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Gregor - Thank goodness you found that letter! Well done for reporting the disgusting creep. I don't know how that other family could not warn you either especially as they could see it happing all over again, what kind of person just keeps their mouth shut and lets it happen to another child?! Everything within the org is F'd up espcially when it comes to this subject.
Whatever happend to children being gifts from God?
GREGOR- Good for you in going to the police. Your daughter had beautiful parents who were looking out for her protection. A hell of a lot better protection than JW elders would ever give her.
3RDGEN- You make an interesting statement that, " How pathetic that JW's are taught that Jehovah is so weak that he has no ability to protect his all important name " good point, yet when you THINK about it JW's ARE taught that " Jehovah will handle things like this in HIS OWN TIME and the molesters WILL be judged at Armageddon. " So they make excuses for the child abuse saying that God will judge them in time and they won't get away with it- yet judgment NEVER comes ! God won't do jack $hit about child abuse so it's a delaying tactic for WT leaders to put it out of JW's minds and minimize the abuse like, " don't worry - God will judge the abusers in time ". But it never happens.
I've had this argument with my elder JW dad for years- because HE always makes the statement, " wellllll , the elders do injustices but Jehovah SEES everything and he will make things right in the end. " Then I tell my dad, " no he won't , he hasn't yet ! " Same thing with child abuse WT Society uses this tactic to delsy judgment in JW's minds. Something I've observed
Old Goat
Going to untrained elders first is stupid. Always go to the authorities first. Never seek advice in child care issues from an elder with a sixth grade education.
If the abuser was a Witness, the response afterward is, "there is an active criminal investigation. I cannot discuss this with you until it is concluded."
If the abuser is found guilty, the elders are in a bind. They can't ignore it even if they want. Take no nonsense from them. If they press you say, "I'm obligated to report this conversation to the investigating officers and to the prosecutor."
Good for you Gregor!
The question should be why don't ELDERS tell victims to hang up and "Call the police"!
That was many years ago. That daughter is now a grandmother with 2 grandaughters. Life is flying by!
A picture is worth a thousand words........
Best answer is neither one. First place to go is to a qualified therapist. First take care of victim, then go after predator.
Sadly, I speak from experience. That's what we did and I was an elder at the time.