Zone Visit: An Announcement That Will "Test Your Faith"

by breakfast of champions 443 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 3rdgen

    LG, I thought about that too, epecially the ones who faded over 10 years ago. Likely their cards aren't even in the files anymore. So who knows? It's just a thought.

  • sparrowdown

    The announcement that would test your faith?

    We the Governing Body would like to announce that we have been "going commando"

    under our suits for a number of years now, "free-ballin it" if you like. We have enjoyed

    this sense of freedom so much we have decided that all the brothers will be required

    to follow our example.

  • LostGeneration

    Best suggestion yet there Sparrow! The uhhhh, anti-Mormon approach.

  • blondie

    we have decided that all the brothers will be required

    to follow our example.

    --------So who will be doing the ball inspection and where and when?

  • OnTheWayOut

    ....and all the brothers need to be clean-shaven.

    Not just the face.

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    ohhhh a guessing game.

    They are going to sell all the Assembly halls (Raking in Billions) and will stream the conventions into & Kingdom Halls and then all the money the Jdubs would have spent on traveling to the conventions, can now be given to the org.

  • 3rdgen

    I was discussing the possibility of DFing inactive ones with Hubby and he reminded me how the Society handled the NU lite of DFing smokers in the 70's. They made an announcement that smokers had 6 months to quit, then if they didn't they were DFed. They might give the inactive 6 months to come back and if they don't......OUT!

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    When is the zone visit, how long until we find out what the announcement will be?

  • OneEyedJoe

    You'll know everything there is to know about the latest thing to be pulled of of the governing body's collective ass by 6pm PST 11/8 ( probably a bit before... The meeting starts at 3 and is supposed to last 3 hours. They'll probably spill the beans by 5:30.)


    Quasi-shunning inactive ones would be good. They have already paved the way in a recent WT article. They mention Korah being involved in "independent worship"!!! Oh Shit!!!!! Independent fracking worship!!! That leads to the "A" word!!!

    They don't need to DF you and risk a lawsuit for defamation. They will strongly hint that inactive ones are Korah-like. The moronic worshipping idiots will do the rest. The GB will have plausible deniability in court.


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