You are being reductionistic. You are guilty of nothing-but-ness. Paul preached about God's kingdom too.
jw preach the same message as Paul and Jesus. But the good news has many different facets.
The good news that Paul preached was centered around the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus and the forgiveness of sins. This message is utterly absent from most of the preaching of Jehovah's Witnesses. That doesn't mean that they deny those teachings, but they strongly emphasize other, less important points in their public preaching, while they downplay the importance of the actual heart of the good news. In so doing, they are preaching "another gospel," and are accursed by God.
If you really believe that JW's are preaching the same good news as did Jesus and Paul, perhaps you can point out some scriptures where either Jesus or Paul preached any of the following:
1. God's Kingdom would be established in the heavens in 1914.
2. We must seek out and associate with God's organization in order to be saved.
3. God will destroy anyone who is not a member of his true organization and absolutely, unquestioningly obedient to it, no matter how corrupt that organization may be.
4. "Wicked persons" are defined as anyone who is not a member of God's true organization.
5. We need to calculate the end of the "Gentile Times" according to a flawed method using non-historical dates in order to understand Bible prophecy.
I could go on, but these beliefs are central to the teaching of Jehovah's Witnesses, and they are utterly unscriptural. These ideas will be drilled into the head of any prospective convert in great detail, while the death, burial and resurrection of Christ and the forgiveness of sins - the heart of the Christian Good News as preached by Paul - will be mentioned in passing, at best.
When Paul encouraged his nonChristian contemporaries to repent, did he tell them that the wicked he was condemning was they?Did you think that he was telling them to repent of their good works? Obviously, by telling them to repent, he was bringing their wickedness to their attention! Of course, unlike JW's, he did not attempt to pigeonhole them as "wicked ones" because they did not belong to his organization (funny how he never actually mentioned that organization, huh?). Rather, he recognized that they were sinners whom God loved and for whom Christ died, and encouraged them to become reconciled to God through the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. Again, a far cry from the work of JW's today.
Non also notices that you soften your claim now. You know that the elements you mention are not totally excluded from the jw message.I never said they were totally excluded from the message of Jehovah's Witnesses, but I dare say the average householder who receives periodic visits from JW's over the course of a lifetime will likely never hear about those elements from the JW at the door. Perhaps if he accepts a "Bible study" (in quotation marks because the Bible is not studied at these sessions), he may read in the publication about the death, burial and resurrection of Christ, but these will not be presented as the center of the message as they should be.
If jw are God's organization, you will not be able to topple them with some puny Dateline show. But even from a sociological and psychological viewpoint, it is very doubtful that dateline will have the effect you want it to. Look at the history of the Catholic church. It has committed atrocious acts for hundreds of years and with what result? It has more zealots today than it ever did. One day the Catholics might fall in this world. But it will not be because of some show like Dateline.So, it sounds as if you are saying here that, even though the JW's may be a filthy, corrupt false religion like the Catholic Church, a single Dateline show will not have the ability to destroy the organization. Unfortunately, you may be right about that. But Dateline will certainly do some damage and open some eyes. I'd hate to be a JW trying to go from door to door this morning.
As far as JW's being God's organization: There is no scriptural evidence that God works through an organization. I suggest you download this article and read it over:
The word "organization" does not appear in the Bible, and neither does the concept of a monolithic, controlling organization such as the JW's have today. Nonetheless, one thing is crystal clear to me. If God did choose to work through an organization, it would not be a corrupt, hypocritical organization such as the JW's. So if God does have an organization, we must look elsewhere for it.
"Gentlemen, he said, I don't need your organization, I've shined your shoes, I've moved your mountains and marked your cards. But Eden is burning"
--Bob Dylan